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Master dial maker Eric Schaen returns with a take on well known comic character we've never seen in HeroClix form... Jimmy Olsen!
You'll notice right away that the Quintessential Jimmy Olsen HeroClix dial has just 3 clicks of life. This is more than appropriate for our favorite newsroom kid since he's ultimately a civilian (a weak one at that). But even at just 26 points, the Quintessential Jimmy Olsen has some interesting tricks up his sleeve, including one click of Perplex and some reporter level Sidestep and Stealth.
Dial by Eric Schaen (Continued Below)...

The real action for the Quintessential Jimmy Olsen lies in his Trait, which lets him use Mastermind on a friendly Superman... of any point value. This is extremely comic accurate -- after all, Jimmy is Superman's pal. Master dial make Eric Schaen also brings in Jimmy's Signal Watch. Although the concept seems ridiculous, it's also extremely comic accurate.
Jimmy may be a low supporting cast member in the Superman universe, but he's always been an important one, taking the role of Clark's sidekick and Superman's "Damsel in Distress".
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