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arrowWorst Clix Ever - Element Lad
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Worst Clix Ever - Element Lad
The Le (11/06/2014)
Related: Worst Clix Ever - Hawkeye
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Goto Comments

Worx Clix Ever: Element LadLike several of our Worst Clix Ever candidates, Element Lad looks very playable at first glance. But you'll have to take a deeper look at the dial to realize that he is, in fact, a bad figure.

At 70 points he seems okey - Flight and 2 ranged attacks with Incapacitate is certainly workable (even with a starting attack of 9). His defense is also pretty good at 17 (with Barrier)

Continued below...

Element Lad HeroClix Dial

There are 3 basic kind of HeroClix figures when team building -- attackers, utility support (Perplex, Outwit, etc), and cheap tie-up pieces. The problem with Elemental Lad is that he fits none of these rolls. A meager damage of [1] with limited range makes him useless as an attacker, and he has no good supporting powers (unless you can make use of Barrier, which is fairly useless on its own), and he's far too expensive at 70 points to be a tie up piece.

There are dozens and dozens of figures better suited for your team for 70 points (heck, there are 40 point figures that are better than this) that can be an attacker, utility, or tie-up.

Congratulations Elemental Lad, you're today's Worst Clix Ever!

Who do you think should be featured in a future Worst Clix Ever?

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Your Comments:
Man, he is a better map redecorator than 500-pt Thor's Mighty Chariot ... THUMBS UP !!!

Posted by: Guilherme Maron on 9/21/2015 6:57:54 PM
Do either Slobo prime from TT set next or 1 Version of Iron man that just isn't as good as the rest

Posted by: Matt on 11/25/2014 10:00:52 AM
Totally correct Rocolo - I missed that.
The same scenario still applies - but without him 'tunnelling' in that first turn!

Posted by: SuperPrime on 11/20/2014 2:56:51 PM
SuperPrime, in one turn, he cannot carry then transmute. It is at the beginning of the turn, so no non-free actions can be performed before it goes off.

Posted by: Rocolo on 11/11/2014 6:07:27 PM
First up - I have never played him.
That said, I think the review is overly harsh. In a larger point game (400/500+) he could be a very versatile support piece.
For example:
He can fly forward carrying a friend up to some blocking terrain, then remove 2 adjacent squares. He can repeat this process and 'tunnel' his way through an otherwise 'impassable' section of a map which your opponent had considered safe.
Then, once your opponent gets wind of your intentions, he can continue to 'tunnel' through while throwing up barriers and Incap to slow them down... meanwhile, the other (main) section of your team is also pressing forward.

Yes - very circumstantial. Yes - somewhat pricey. But - No - not worthy of a worst clix ever...
Keep up the series - very enjoyable!

Posted by: SuperPrime on 11/10/2014 8:27:58 PM
Half of me is trying so hard to find scenarios where this fig is useable but unfortunately the situations where he'd be worth his 70 points are just too specific. If your opponent loves using those characters with damaging smoke clouds and pinning barriers he's pretty useful. Otherwise he won't make those points back. A real shame as a 10AV 8 range and range boost on the special power OR a drop to 45 points would put him in the most moderately useful clix ever article!

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 11/9/2014 12:46:43 PM
I agree he's bad, but I'm not sure he deserves to be in the category of worst.

One problem he had was that he was the only LSH member in that set, giving him no allies to these team with.

The other thing is that in the comics, the LSH had been revisioned and the sculpt here is not what most folks think of for Element Lad. It was his costume at the time, but most other Legion pieces are from a different era.

I think I may have used him once.

Posted by: superfriend on 11/6/2014 12:39:57 PM
His best use would maybe be to doop GSX Magneto but that'll never happen.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 11/6/2014 8:58:12 AM