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arrowQuintessential Jason (Double Feature!)
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Quintessential Jason (Double Feature!)
Eric Schaen & The Le (10/03/2014)
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Related: Quintessential Batman Beyond
Related: Quintessential Mad Pierrot
Related: Monster Month!
Related: Quintessential Spider-Man
Goto Comments

It's a double feature! The Quintessential Jason X is a lot different than his The Quintessential Jason Vorhees counterpart, if only because Jason X is a Robot (weird, I know). Like the previous dial, the Quintessential Jason X is based on the comic book version, not the movie version, but that doesn't take away from his ability to kick but with all that Charge, Super Strength, and Blades/Claws/Fangs.

Dial by Eric Schaen (continued below...)

Quintessential Jason X HeroClix Dial (Monster Month)

The Quintessential Jason X dial is certainly a stronger than the Vorhees dial in the defense area -- starting with an 18 with Impervious and Invulnerability... and Regeneration at the end! But otherwise, the Quintessential Jason X is a straight-foward Brute who will go in and mop up. The  Quintessential Jason X dial simple, sweet, and with a touch of evil -- and that's how we like it at HeroClix World!

What do you think of our Monster Month double feature? Let us know below!

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Your Comments:
I really like to see Jason / Freddy with a stalk its pray trail. Nothing crazy just something along the lines of at the begining of the game pick target "X" place Freddy/Jason 4 squares away from them any time target "X" moves. In the movies no matter where ever who they were hunting went they always seem close behind... lol

Posted by: Bliss on 11/5/2014 11:47:42 AM
There have been some recent monster updates. You just had to be that guy. lol

Posted by: Slade on 10/31/2014 8:42:01 AM
yeah, only Jason done so far? so much for monster month....

Posted by: that guy on 10/30/2014 4:07:29 AM
Can we see a puzzle box relic?

Posted by: AG on 10/6/2014 5:15:17 AM
Given you've done Jason, Freddie Kruger can't be too far behind (movie & Mortal Kombat versions, maybe?)

Posted by: Alan Wilkinson (Cassius335) on 10/5/2014 6:33:38 PM
Awesome clix! Truly Jason! Now you guys have to do a Pennywise clix with a trait called " They all float!"

Posted by: AjoraJenova on 10/4/2014 1:09:00 AM
keep checking back Logan, October is the right time for it.

Posted by: Slade on 10/3/2014 3:05:08 PM
First like the dial and would love to see a true Horroclix/herroclix redux, with dials usable in heroclix or their own game.

@ Adamantium:

Have you seen a Friday film? Or read a Friday comic? This guy absorbs massive amounts of damage that would kill ordinary folk, and he keeps coming. I think invincible is probably the best way to represent that.

I like the contrast between this dial and the Jason X dial on the next page.

Cant wait to see more monsters! hopefully Michael Myers and Freddy is in the works...

Posted by: Shaft!! on 10/3/2014 1:58:39 PM
Invincible? Really? That's pretty silly IMO.

Not to take anything away from this Quintessential series. The dials have been very fun and creative overall!

Posted by: Adamantium on 10/3/2014 12:54:09 PM
@Wade Unless he kills for you first lol!

I love this article as it soots the Halloween spirit. I hope to see more such as my favorite killer, Freddy.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 10/3/2014 10:00:40 AM
Man, I would kill for a JV clix!

Posted by: Wade on 10/3/2014 8:15:28 AM