Hiro Clix: Naruto
Clix Craves: Star Wars
Quintessential Winter Soldier
Quintessential Ninjak
The Quintessential Alien
Quintessential Mad Pierrot
Quintessential Zombie Spider-Man
Quintessential Zombie Wolverine

The Quintessential Leeroy Jenkins
The Quintessential Joker
Quintessential Iron Patriot
Quintessential Flash
Hiro Clix: Golgo 13
Quintessential Taskmaster
The Quintessential Kung Fury
Hiro Clix: Fifth Kazekage
The Quintessential Silver Surfer
The Quintessential Deadpool
Quintessential Daredevil
The Quintessential Jimmy Olsen
Hiro Clix: Sokka
Quintessential Arrow
The Quintessential Superior Iron Man
Quintessential Batman Beyond
Quintessential Invisible Woman
The Quintessential Punisher
Critical Miss: Sponsored Teams
Hiro Clix: Sailor Scouts
ClixCraves: Buffy TVS
Quintessential Sunfire
Worst Clix Ever - Abomination
Quintessential Superior Spider-Man MK2
Hiro Clix: Attack on Titan
Quintessential Deathstroke
Worst Clix Ever - Iron Man Mk 15
Worst Clix Ever - Element Lad
Quintessential Ash Williams
Quintessential Freddy Krueger
Quintessential Jason (Double Feature!)
Hiro Clix: Goku
Quintessential Juggernaut
Worst Clix Ever - Wrecker
Quintessential Spider-Man
Worst Clix Ever - Hound
Quintessential Doomsday
Worst Clix Ever - Parasite
Bystander Party! (Colleen Wing)
Quintessential Dr. Doom
ClixCraves: D&D
Bystander Party! (Val Cooper)
Quintessential Spawn
ClixCraves: TMNT
Quintessential Aquaman
Quintessential Hulk
Quintessential Batman
ClixCraves: G.I. Joe
ClixCraves: Superman
ClixCraves: Captain America
Clix Addict #2
ClixCraves: Godzilla
HeroClix World Evolution
Joe Kubert, RIP 08-12-2012
Gen Con: I wish I Was Going
HeroClix Podcast: Starting Over
Critical Clix: Star Trek Tactics
Of Dice and Plastic Men: Gandalf and Superman, Rep
Of Dice and Plastic Men: The Super-est of Sets
Of Dice and Plastic Men:Nightcrawler User's Guide
Karl Confidential: A Wizkids Moment
How to Build a Successful Venue
Of Dice and Plastic Men: Sweet Release
Masterpiece HeroClix
Of Dice and Plastic Men: X Marks the Spot
Clix Addict #1
Bin Laden: Dead
Critical Clix: PAC Powers
The Borders Effect
Happy Pi Day!
DreamClix: Zombie Apocalypse
ClixCraves Vol 02
Economy, Trolls, & HeroClixs
Robert's Dial Maker
ClixCraves Vol 01
DreamClix: The Transformers
Batman on My Baby
Critical Miss: Injustice League
DreamClix: Star Trek
Critical Miss: Giants
HeroClix World Baby!
Critical Miss: Print and Play
HeroClix: For Profit
Black History Month
Fixing HeroClix

Star Trek HeroClix: Away Team Spoilers
The Le (01/25/2012)
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Goto Comments

Related: DreamClix: Star Trek
Related: Star Trek Bystander Tokens
Related: Tik Tok Star Trek
Related: Star Trek Tactics HeroClix Spoilers
Related: Critical Clix: Star Trek Tactics
Retailers please go to the official Wizkids Retailer page for more info.

HeroClix Star Trek HeroClixThe folks at ICV2 got a great scoop again, this time it's for the STAR TREK AWAY TEAM HeroClix Fast Forces Pack. Here's what we know:

•Available July
•7 Figures in the pack
•Comes with: Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and others
•Based on the JJ Abrams Star Trek reboot movie
•100% compatible with the current HeroClix game

Well done, ICV2!


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Your Comments:
This is sort of disappointing. I don't want two different dials per character, I want maps!!!!!! Why, Wizkids? WHY?????

Posted by: Fang the Javatar on 6/1/2013 5:48:36 PM
@ Karagnarok
Hasn't the Star Wasrs CMG collapsed? I think the licence may be up for grabs again. Batman vs Ewoks!!!!

I far prefer this sort of set for new licences if you want them one box later you have them. If not like sir C at least WK aren't putting too much sculpting time into a set you don't want.

I'm hoping the whole set comes to 300 - 400 so that they won't appear overpowered when trying to put the smack down on supes!

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 5/23/2012 8:54:37 AM
now THIS i can get behind! can't wait!

Posted by: lancelot on 5/17/2012 2:56:16 PM
@Sir Christopher
I also completely disagree. We should have as many different licenses as WhizKids can attain. I love the variety and hope they get more. Sure, you're probably right that Star Trek characters wouldn't match up in real life continuity, but this is a game. And the notion of having Spock fight Spiderman is excellent!

If you don't like it, don't play them, but I think the idea of merging universes in Clix is going to be very popular.

Posted by: ChronoFett on 5/17/2012 2:40:44 PM
ohhhhh thre are characters

Posted by: bp29 on 1/28/2012 10:54:50 AM
ship are cool but i wanted captain kirk

Posted by: bp29 on 1/28/2012 10:53:44 AM

Posted by: bp29 on 1/28/2012 10:52:52 AM
@ G Pelletier - Like your post! I feel the same. Althought they would be great collectable display pieces :-)

Posted by: Ianator on 1/27/2012 2:34:10 AM
Too bad there is already a Star Wars CMG - it would be great to trump Spock's Vulcan Nerve Pinch with Darth Vader's Force Grip.

Posted by: Kragnorak on 1/26/2012 11:16:29 AM
This is awesome; I've been waiting anxiously to hear about Star Trek characters in (non-Tactics) Heroclix. My only wish is that this was a full-size set with Borg and such instead of just a Fast Forces pack... nonetheless, I will definately be buying this.

P.S. Star Trek XI wasn't perfect, but it was a far cry better than a lot of the Trek movies that came before it. I'm really looking forward to the next movie.

Posted by: charlemagne on 1/26/2012 8:31:21 AM
I have mixed feelings about Star Trek Figures in Heroclix. I don't see any Star Trek team doing well in the superhero universe. Having said that I made the same comment about the Lord of the rings figures and my son keeps kicking my butt with them.

Posted by: G Pelletier on 1/26/2012 7:34:40 AM
Abrams makes awesome star trek movies.

Posted by: Surfer joe on 1/25/2012 7:50:16 PM
I hope it has maps like the other Fast Forces sets. Bad enough it's based on the Abrams movie. The sooner Abrams stops making Trek movies the sooner Star Trek can return to TV where it belongs!

Posted by: Wombatboy on 1/25/2012 6:46:31 PM
I respectfully disagree Sir Christopher. A lot of players was asking for the Enterprise crew members in clix form so this will fill that demand.

Posted by: phep on 1/25/2012 6:18:44 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Star Trek sould not be showing up in a Heroclix venue.

Posted by: Sir Christopher on 1/25/2012 6:03:31 PM