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Humans are pretty much standard HeroClix fair, and is not much different than figures in the DC/Marvel HeroClix universe. Life would vary for each human... some will have 6 clicks of life while others will have more. You could even add children into the mix with 3 clicks of life.
As for combat stats, all humans should start out with [2] damage. Since standards zombies have 3 clicks of life, it will take two good melee hits to kill it, unless you score a critical. Sounds tough, but frankly it's shouldn't be easy to kill a zombie with your fists alone. Fortunately we have weapons (more on that later).
Humans don't need a range-value so it should always be 0 (throwing your shoe does no damage). So this part of the dial should be replaced with a Bite Immunity value, usually +1 to +4. Remember, and the end of your turn, your human rolls 2d6 for each Zombie Bite Token it currently has, and each result of 9 or less deals 1 unavoidable damage. The Bite Immunity value gives you a bonus to your roll! So with a +3 bonus, your Zombie Bite roll only fails when you roll a 6 or less! This makes some characters more immune than others, which may change your strategy when playing, and helps keep humans interesting.
All humans are automatically given Charge, Running Shot, and Willpower. Period. Seriously, when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives, you're going to have plenty of adrenaline to keep you moving.
Oh, and all critical hits deal +2 damage (i.e. when you roll a natural 12). Since your fists are already doing [2] damage, that critical will usually result in an instant kill!
Like DC/Marvel HeroClix, attacking is done with 2 dice, and you can only attack once per turn if you aren’t pushed. You can simply use a Combat Action to make your attack, or use Charge or Running Shot to move before being given your Combat Action.
Unlike Marvel/DC HeroClix, Zombie Apocalypse HeroClix would be highly dependent on weapons.
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