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Clix Beat: Zuvembie
The Le (02/28/2013)
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Related: Clix Beat: Green Arrow (CJ039)
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Goto Comments

This Trait is one of the saving graces of Zuvembie -- it won't make him much more mobile (going from [5] to [6] won't help much), but it makes Zuvembie very powerful for combat. An attack value of [10] will let him easily hit Spider-Man or Hulk, and [3] damage is enough to damage those pesky Impervious characters (and possibly Invulnerability!).

Of course you're going to want to make sure Zuvembie is already adjacent to an opponent since he doesn't have any kind of move-and-attack powers, so it's probably best to have a character with Flight carry Zuvembie around the map. You could always Telekinesis Zuvembie into position, but that's likely a waste on his early clicks of life.

Continued below...

HeroClix Zuvembie Dial


Another gem for Zuvembie is his three clicks of Exploit Weakness, which makes his second click of life far more powerful than his first click. [2] damage with Exploit Weakness is incredibly powerful -- allowing you to damage even the Hulk. If you can get the "Scent of Blood" Trait up and running, then you're up to [3] damage. That's pretty sweet for a 25-point-figure.

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Your Comments:
I may be wrong but the Marvel use of the term "zuvembie" was that Comic Code Authority restrictions prevented the use of the word "zombie". Black and white magazines were out of CCA reach, so there could be a zombie Simon Garth, but color comic books were not, thus Doc Strange or Brother Voodoo had to fight "zuvembies".

Posted by: E. Martin on 3/7/2013 5:05:01 AM

Posted by: tylerdrake on 3/4/2013 12:33:32 PM
--So inspired by the article that I bought a zumembie quartet
--and a Cruiser. Even zumembies deserve a nice ride
--(greater than)(on auto-pilot of course)

HA! It's times like this I wish I had a "like" system in place. Then again, I suppose I could create one (I'll toss it on the list of things to do)

Posted by: The Le on 3/4/2013 12:09:46 PM
So apparently the Cruiser can only hold 1 or 2, so I made this army with random guys I bought from the same ebay transaction: Hush, Dust and Nightmares.

Carrion TKs undead, Hush ferries them in his mad scientist cruiser, Nightmare sits back, since it is not themed anyways, maybe I will add a tank too. Just for fun:
asm #006 Zuvembie cost: 26 asm #006 Zuvembie cost: 26 asm #006 Zuvembie cost: 26 asm #038 Carrion cost: 130 bm #037a Hush cost: 107 bm #V-4b GCPD Cruiser (Piloted) cost: 68 asm #042a Nightmare cost: 217. Build Total: 600

Posted by: tylerdrake on 3/4/2013 11:56:58 AM
So inspired by the article that I bought a zumembie quartet and a Cruiser. Even zumembies deserve a nice ride (on auto-pilot of course)

Posted by: tylerdrake on 3/4/2013 11:14:51 AM
@darkclaw: Keep in mind that "this turn" means on your current turn (not your opponent's turn.) There are ways for your opponent to take pushing damage on your turn (Incapacitate, Themed Team PC) but they're not especially common.

@superfriend: Same outcome, but the reasoning is different. There no longer is such a thing as "optional" powers in Heroclix. All powers are on all the time. However, one way some powers have a little conditionality is by including the word "may." As you said, characters with Indomitable can use Willpower. And Willpower indicates that the character may ignore pushing damage. Since it "may" ignore pushing damage it also may not and take the pushing damage. It's the same result, but the reasoning has shifted slightly.

Posted by: Zack on 3/2/2013 4:44:32 PM
No, it triggers off of "when"...if it's been met, you get the +1.

If it had said "for each time" then yeah.

Posted by: lancelot on 3/1/2013 2:53:34 PM
According to the trait

"If an opposing character has taken damage this turn, modify Zuvembie's attack, speed, and damage values by +1."

Would this stack to the rule of 3 for every round an opposing figure takes damage? That would bump him to 8 movement, 12 attack, 5 damage piece for 25 points.

Posted by: dbmills1 on 3/1/2013 10:23:38 AM
Regarding this comment: "Don't be afraid to push, because Zuvembie has Indomitable. Of course, this means Zuvembie needs to take some damage to get into those prized Exploit Weakness clicks."

It is my understanding that: Indominable grants the piece Willpower. Willpower is optional and can be turned off. So you should be able to turn off the willpower and push to the second click.

Posted by: superfriend on 2/28/2013 12:01:14 PM
@darkclaw: I don't see why not. The Scent of Blood does not specify a type of damage -- so I would say that Push Damage would indeed activate it.

Posted by: The Le on 2/28/2013 9:55:59 AM
Is it true that the scent of blood kicks in if the opponent gives themselves pushing damage?

Posted by: darkclaw on 2/28/2013 9:48:17 AM