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Clix Beat: Quasar
The Le (03/12/2012)
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Goto Comments

HeroClix Quasar ClixBeatOne of the more intriguing pieces in the Galactic Guardians Fast Forces set is the Quasar figure, which is dual-statted so you can play it at the 175 point level or the 100 point level. If you haven't noticed though, the 100-point Quasar has a near full dial of color.

For now, we'll focus on the 100-point level Quasar, which sports 6 clicks of life (16.7 points per click) and and has median/average damage of 2.


Some will be disappointed at the lack of move-and-attack on the first click, but don't discount that special power when combined with Pulse Wave. Your first option is to Telekinesis Quasar into range of your opponents and blast them with Pulse Wave. If there's only one opponent around, then Quasar's dealing all 3 damage to one opponent, which will ruin anyone's day.

HeroClix Quasar Top
HeroClix Quasar Special Power

A better option, in my opinion, is to move Quasar while carrying another character on your first turn, then try one of these options:
•Option1: Carry a TKer on the first turn, and on your second turn TK Quasar to where you want.
•Option 2: Carry an "activation click" fgure on your first turn, and on your second turn use Pulse Wave to damage your opponent and activate the carried friendly into his/her second click of life!

Here's an example of Option 2... have Quasar carry Johnny Quick (below) on the first turn, then Pulse Wave on the second turn -- your opponent(s) will take 1 damage and so will Johnny. Then use Johnny's Perplex to increase the defense of Quasar to 19, and unleash Johnny into the world with his Hypersonic Speed! If you're playing Golden Age games, throw Armor Piercing onto Johnny Quick too!

HeroClix Johnny Quick Dial DC 75th

The second option is a little more dangerous because you're a sitting duck after your first move, but Quasar's [18] Defense with Toughness should be able to handle it, and your friendly a low point friendly probably won't be much of a threat to your opponent at this point.

The other option is to have two TKers on your force -- TK Quasar into position and TK Johnny Quick into position, and then have Quasar activate Pulse Wave! (Be careful with this though, because there must be an opponent in range to use Pulse Wave!)

By the second click of life, Quasar's even better with that Running Shot and Pulse Wave combo!

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Your Comments:
The amazing adventures of overbiteman!!

Posted by: El Bastardo on 4/29/2012 7:36:49 PM
"Is it me, or does this Quasar look like Napoleon Dynamite? Gosh!!

Posted by: John "

I think it looks more like one of the guys from Bevis and Butthead.

Posted by: Sir Christopher on 3/12/2012 12:41:57 PM
I'm thinking of Rogue.

Posted by: Joagus on 3/12/2012 10:02:00 AM
I've been thinking is there a really good flyer to have Quasar carry around? Can anyone think of a character with flight who would particularly benefit from a phasing carry? Or indeed a single base transporter? There are a few Giants I'd love to carry but the power doesn't let him do that.

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 3/12/2012 9:25:04 AM
Thanks for these The Le. I really like the images you used this time, keeping the dial in view on every page but with new pretty pictures!
As for his perplex in conjunction with hypersonic speed I hope I WOULD be using it on my attack value as, at the start of my move when doing the free action, I'd hope to have no enemy in range/LOS ready to HSS in and out. In any other non HSS-ing situation I'd agree 110% though!
Oh and on his back dial I love barrier against grounded opponents I would argue that it's even better than incapacitate and makes up for its loss.

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 3/12/2012 9:20:09 AM
Is it me, or does this Quasar look like Napoleon Dynamite? Gosh!!

Posted by: John on 3/12/2012 7:03:43 AM