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Ahhhh... Spring is here, and the long, long, long, cold Winter of HeroClix World is finally at an end. Well, for most of you anyway -- here in Ohio there's still frost on our cars every morning. Now that Winter is "officially" passed, it's time to celebrate with the Spring of HeroClix World!
As with every passing season, we've updated our top page logo. Out are the cold snowflakes and In are blooming flowers and a special emblem on the top right (of the Home Page). What is it you ask? We can't tell you until we get the official thumbs up -- you don't want to miss our huge exclusive press release this weekend. (We cannot confirm nor deny that it's a new HeroClix game mechanic coming this fall)
As part of our Spring celebration, we've got two new custom HeroClix Special Objects for you to print and play! The first is the Fries Gun, which is pretty self explanatory. The Hanzo Sword comes straight out of the Kill Bill movies; Exploit Weakness is a dangerous power, and so it's damage is locked at [2] for balancing purposes.
If you're interested, HeroClix World also has some print-and-play Kill Bill Bystanders Tokens you can use! Enjoy using these fun objects (and Bystanders), and stay tuned for more fun all season long. Make no mistake... the Spring of HeroClix World is here!