Related: Carded At The Door: Hank Pym
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Puuka here, and I'm here to talk about HeroClix ID CARDS and how they work. They're pretty easy to add to your teams and can help change the tide to your side in your tournaments.
All ID cards have the following text and cost 5 points.
Inspiration: Effect that can be used as described in the Inspire text on the card. From a meta standpoint, this is what you're looking for.
Setup: At the beginning of the game, choose a character on your sideline with a name or real name matching this ID Card and turn it to a starting line. This character is called an ID Character. You can't have more ID characters on your force than you have characters placed on the map at the beginning of the game. This card is Unique.
Call in Help: At the beginning of your turn, you may activate one ID Card per force. To activate an ID Card, choose a friendly character that has no action tokens and is equal to or more points than the ID Character's starting line. Give the chosen character a power action, place the ID Character adjacent to it, and then remove this ID Card from the game and your opponent score it. The ID Character can't be carried, given double power actions, replaced, or assigned resources. The ID Character returns to your sideline immediately:
(a) at the beginning of your next turn,
(b) if it's not within 5 squares of the chosen character, or
(c) if it is removed from the map by another game effect.
Inspire: Explains how the Inspiration effect can be used when this character is brought in.
Names: Each card also has the Name and a Real Name printed on the card. These tell you which figures can be brought in to the game through the use of the card. Name represents the characters name as it’s printed on the dial and the Real Name represents the Real Name as shown on the figures Character Card. You do not need to have both these names matching in order to bring in a figure, as long as one of the names match, then you can bring the figure in from your sideline.
Right: official Hawkeye ID Card that modify range values by +2. Click the image to enlarge.
Sideline: You may have multiple figures in your sideline for one card, but, you must select the figure and which starting line you wish to bring it in on that game at the start of the match. There haven’t been any official rulings on what happens if they aren’t picked, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you were denied use of the figure if there’s any ambiguity as to which one was selected to come in. You can also have one figure come in with multiple cards. An Ant-Man figure from the Ant-Man box set can brought in with both the Hank Pym/Hank Pym (Classic Avengers) and the Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Micro Tournament) cards.
Resource: The Avengers Round Table resource cost 5 points, plus the cost of each attached ID Card up to a total of. It also allows you to replace figures on your team with figures on your sideline of equal or less points after you have revealed your forces. Turning the dial is done when you use a card or a friendly character takes damage. It also gives you the chance to bring back ID cards that have been used. You can also have other characters use an ID Cards Inspiration effects. In the last click of the dial, it also allows you to give actions to your figures and bring in characters that that stay until they take damage. However, these characters can’t ignore push damage, so pushing them would cause them to be removed.
Summary: Over all, it’s a useful resource. The right combination of cards can give you some nice choices of Inspirations for your characters to use. If you can get it to the last click of the dial, it will allow you to call in some last minute cavalry that could turn the tide of the battle in the end game.