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The Flash has had many HeroClix incarnations over the years, but one of our favorites is one of the first: the Jay Garrick Flash from Hypertime! He might be a bit pricey at 101 points but he's still one of the best Flash's you can play in Golden age games.
Take a good look at his dial -- they really don't make 'em like this anymore.
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Jay's got 8 full clicks of life, but his his claim-to-fame is the full dial of Hypersonic Speed with a [20] starting speed! That's just inhuman! you can literally run circles around your opponents with that! If you're facing an opponent on a water map, then toss Frog Legs on Flash so he can run on water!
Sadly, he only has [1] damage for his entire dial, but you can easily work with that. First off, he's a Bystander Token killer, which is nice when people are abusing that 1-point-Lian Harper token; or he can shoot-and-scoot any figures that lack damage reduction.
To be most effective though, you're going to have to toss on a 10-point Armor Piercing feat. That one feat is enough to cause major headaches for any opponent.
From wikipedia: "Jason Peter Garrick is a college student prior to 1940 (later retconned to 1938) who accidentally inhales hard water vapors after falling asleep in his laboratory where he had been working (later stories would change this to heavy water vapors). As a result, he finds that he can run at superhuman speed and has similarly fast reflexes (retcons imply the inhalation simply activated a latent metagene). "
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