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• Goto Comments
04/22/2010. Special thanks to the HCR folks for finding this dial (right for dial, below for SP).
(Trait) Mera has the (dolphin symbol) speed.
(Attack) Red Rage: When Mera takes damage from an attack targetting her, put a rage counter on her card. Mera modifies her damage value for each counter on his card. If Mera is healed of any damage, remove all rage counters from this card.
02/02/2010. This just in from the Wizkids Website, it's MERA!
"Queen of Atlantis and wife to Aquaman, Mera rallied her people in the wake of a planetwide crisis and became the leader of a rebel army determined to take vengeance for the destruction of Atlantis and the death of Aquaman. After the battle was won, she agreed to have the body of Aquaman moved to Atlantis…only to find he had risen from the grave as a Black Lantern. The desecration of the man she loved ignited a new fury in Mera, leading her to the front lines of the battle against the Black Lanterns and the Blackest Night…and earning her a place in the rage-powered Red Lantern Corps!"

From Wikipedia:
"Mera is the former queen of Dimension Aqua, and current Queen of Atlantis and ex-wife of the DC Comic book super hero Aquaman.
"Fleeing the criminal Leron that seized control of her kingdom, Mera arrived on Earth meeting Aquaman and Aqualad who vow to help her. Leron captures them, imprisoning Aquaman and Mera back in Dimension Alpha. Aided by the water sprite known as Quisp, Aquaman managed to free Mera and defeats Leron. Mera abdicates the throne of Xebel to Queen V'lana, and returns to Atlantis to marry Aquaman. Soon after, they had a son, Arthur Curry, Jr. aka Aquababy."

Mera / Blackest Night entry, from Wikipedia:
After battling and being nearly killed by a ruthlessly savage Black Lantern-powered Wonder Woman, Mera is chosen as a deputy officer of the Red Lantern Corps to be more effective against Nekron's forces. The biological effects of her transformation or whether it is permanent is unkown at this point. During the battle, Mera is approached once again by Aquaman, who now has the reanimated corpse of their child. Aquaman attempts to use their son against her, but Mera states "I never wanted children" and destroys her son. She then shows a desire to hunt down Aquaman and destroy him.

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