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I myself prefer the old dials (of course thats just me) what they should really be focusing on is and I agree with gerald on this, is the quality of the sculptures.
Posted by: matthew minnie
on 10/26/2011 7:03:17 PM
I saw & held these first-hand, looking at the demop game of Star Trek Expeditions at my local brick & mortar. I got to say, it takes about half-a-second to get used to, but it turns very smoothly out of the box, and appears to avoid all the previous quirks of earlier designs and the burrs interfering with turning the dial. Overall, I say it's a good improvement.
Posted by: MEsch
on 7/13/2011 10:33:03 AM
I hope they sell the new dial bottoms so that I can switch out all my favorite Clix sculpts...
Posted by: SwatThatFly
on 6/8/2011 8:25:54 PM
I like the H-dials more than the "cup" dials, but with the old H-dials, the actual H was too small to turn. I'll be thankful when these come out.
Posted by: Dreandaught
on 4/10/2011 12:54:16 PM
Wizkids used these exact same dial designs in the Mage Knight set OMENS for the "Champions" dials, if interested i have pics of them, they are from my personal collection.
Posted by: drakelf
on 2/8/2011 1:42:30 AM
These look absolutely awesome. I am sick and tired of broken figs with the current "cup" dials; I much preferred the old "H" dials, although these look even better than those.
I just had another miniature snap off its base just about an hour ago... so yeah, I can't wait for the base change. Too bad they're not coming out in time for GSX.
Posted by: Charlemagne
on 2/6/2011 6:24:46 AM
I honestly could not care less about the new dials. What they should be focusing their efforts on is bringing up the quality and detail in the sculpts, which has gone downhill and is quite inferior to many of the older sculpts. Looking at figures from the Mutant Mayhem/Armor Wars era, the sculpt quality was amazing. These days its just cheap rubber and poor quality paint jobs.
Posted by: Gerald
on 2/5/2011 8:00:24 PM
If the old H style dial tops fit on the new base, Why make the dial tops & bases larger? Can't the original size be maintained? Also the colored base is kinda cool, if they didn't add too much to the cost they could be used rather than a ring or tab to denote rarity/ experience level, White base common, Green, Silver, Gold, Bronze; or Yellow, Blue, Red, Silver, Gold/Bronze
Posted by: JOWENR2
on 2/3/2011 5:47:30 PM
Are these not just the Mage Knight dials from one of there last sets when you could take them apart to put different dials in them???
Posted by: Predator 713
on 2/3/2011 12:13:47 PM
ok i love the new dials but you need to sell bags of them so we can change all are old dials out with the new one
Posted by: luke burtman
on 2/2/2011 6:32:26 AM
I think this kind of dial will be great!!! and figures like Ragdoll (DC 75th) won´t have any problem. (I already got 2 of them broken becuause of the dial it has) I really hate to get my figures damaged, and this seems to be a solution, no matter if the design of the figure (again like Ragdoll, I insist!!!lol) is not good enough, the only fact of not having to hold the figure by the sculpture in order to turn the dial, that will take care of our figures!!!
Posted by: JasonCR
on 2/1/2011 10:06:02 PM
I guess it'll be nice to not have any broken characters. However, if the prices go up, me and everyone I play with in my town will boycott! Not really, just bitch a lot
Posted by: clixkid
on 2/1/2011 3:19:04 PM
Well so much for my rubber rings I put on my clix, now I wonrt be able to turn them. I took one of the clix rings and fired a couple of industrial staples through it, it worked GREAT! Kind of like studded snow tires ;). Dont get me wrong, it looks very interesting. However my customers/players will NOT be happy if there is a price increase. We all know how to fix our current dials.
Posted by: tonyskingdom
on 2/1/2011 1:28:43 PM
This looks just like the old Mage Knight heroes dials when they came out in the last set for that game. You could easily pop off the bottom and put any one of 5 different colored dials in the bottom that came with the character representing experienced levels 1 - 5. I know I still have the hero at home for the Solonavi faction, which was what I played. The only other thing I remember is they were about twice as thick as a standard dial.
Posted by: Nightwing-fan
on 2/1/2011 11:37:03 AM
Personally, it's a lot better than the Brave/Bold type dials, but I still prefer the the ones that occasionally required a turning ring. ("H" shaped) Plus, these are going to be a bit more costly, like SeekerMuadib commented. I guess I'll just have to wait and see for myself, though...
"Keep spining dials, people!"
Posted by: Owlman166
on 2/1/2011 10:07:48 AM
I like the concept... although the characters will be slightly taller (elevated) when put next to older versions. And the new dial's circumference is naturally bigger which leads to lesser figures on a display shelf. Just my personal observation and comment.
Talking about breaking-even... the rings may no longer be produced, which is one less expense and I assume the new mold for the new dial will also be a wash if negotiated properly.
Posted by: Ianator
on 2/1/2011 8:19:38 AM
Happy to see a new dial design. Me and my friends still share horror stories about some of our hammer of thor clix. Dc75 wasn't much better either. After one broke, I went through my brick and fixed the dials the best I could. It was a nightmare.
Posted by: Nafets920
on 2/1/2011 8:07:58 AM
Looks promising. They could keep the bottom a different color if you ask me. It looks like it could work well and I would hate for it to be a wash because it's counterintuitive black on black. If only the Internet allowed for me to see how my man paws can handle gripping top and bottom. I'm liking what I see though.
Posted by: Killersavage
on 2/1/2011 7:56:49 AM
This HAS to be better than what we have been dealing with. Snapping figs off and not being able to turn a dial AT ALL! Kudos NECA!
Posted by: Bigolegreezy
on 2/1/2011 7:37:04 AM
I agree w/ VikingRS, I always hate the dials that give a "peak" of the next click. Hopefully the new dials printed will take into account the larger slot.
I am OK w/ the new dial design, but only if the change is, indeed, "cost neutral."
I was happy with the H-dials, as long as the H was thick enough to get a grip on; (Yes, I'm looking at YOU, Avengers! ;)) What will we do with all the dial-turning rings?
Posted by: Hodak
on 2/1/2011 7:00:01 AM
I just worry that without a dial print change, it will give away too much information to the opponent. When The Le put a dial on it (later pages) you could tell whether or not the next click was a KO area.
Posted by: VikingRS
on 2/1/2011 6:28:14 AM
Wizkids stated on the Facebook page
"@Everyone - I never spoke of a price increase - I said the bases are more expensive and we're trying to work them into the line. My goal is to have them be cost neutral."
Posted by: Andrew
on 2/1/2011 6:09:30 AM
I don't like that it is a few millimetres wider, that'll mean the old maps won't have big enough squares... and the way the design for the top half of the dial looks... how would we be able to make customs, it looks like it locks on and that's that!
Posted by: adam
on 2/1/2011 3:47:31 AM
thank heavens they still have the poop crescent nodules. god bless engineer.
Posted by: Len Snart's magnoopers pog
on 1/31/2011 8:58:11 PM
Can they be taken apart if the sticker was put in crooked?
Posted by: thetigerking83
on 1/31/2011 8:50:57 PM
I like the new design from a practical standpoint, but I'm cautiously leery from a storage standpoint. I've just started putting standard individual pieces into Amac 1-5/8" x 2-7/8" boxes. I'm concerned that this new base will be just a little too small. Can you give any more information about the diameter of the new bases?
Posted by: ninthdoc
on 1/31/2011 8:17:49 PM
This looks great. And it is an awesome idea.
But the question remains how much more are we going to have to pay now for the new bases?
It is bad enough with the Street Fighter clix you are asking us to pay 3 bucks for a single figure. Now with fancy new bases how much are we going to have to pay for future boosters.
I love Heroclix and I really like the new stuff coming out. But the cost of these new designs and new bases has me worried.
Posted by: SeekerMuadib
on 1/31/2011 7:57:16 PM
It looks like a GREAT improvement over the previous versions. One stray burr in the others and it's Herculean efforts to turn the m-f'er. (Unless you popped it off, shaved off the offending burr, and re-assembled; but isn't that what QC is for?)
Posted by: MEsch
on 1/31/2011 7:25:20 PM