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• Goto Comments

Experienced Version
For 17 points more we have slight improvements to Ultimate Cap all around... but those tiny changes make a world of difference! Right off the bat the EXP version gets an extra click Flurry, improved attack values (up to 11!), an extra two range, and much better defensive values.
He's still secondary attacker here, but his higher values makes him much more potent on offense and will keep him alive longer on defense -- [17] on that first click means he gets a 19 against ranged attack 20 if he's behind an hindering. Oh and let's not forget the Ultimates TA this time, which lets him ignore hindering on ranged attacks and movement!
He also has more keywords here than any of the REV versions, making him more versatile when it comes to team building time.
Final Verdict
An excellent secondary attacker with a touch of Leadership and workable ranged attack. He's a tad front-loaded, but he's got the stats to survive a long fight. Simply the best of all three REV versions.
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