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This one could really go either way, and unfortunately we don't have a definitive answer. Should the new superman movie tell the origin or not? We lean towards "no origin," but it's really a tough call. Let's take a closer look at both sides of the argument.
Tell the Origin:
If the new movie is a true reboot, rather than a rehashing of the Donner days, then reshooting the origin is critical. It'll certainly help the franchise to start over fresh. It would be nice to see a new Krypton on film, which could also lead to the bottled city of Kandor in the future
Having a new actor play papa Kal-El would also allow for reprising that roll for future movies -- just look at how effective and (shocking) it was to see Willem Dafoe's Normal Osborn in Spider-Man 2.
Don't tell the Origin:
Then again, it's pretty hard to beat out the origin told in Donner's original Superman film. That entire origin sequence, from Krypton to the Fortress of Solitude, is easily the best part of any of the Superman films to date, even when compared to the excellent cartoon series. Trying to retell the origin would likely pale in comparison to the awesomeness of the original. And let's be honest -- everyone already knows the origin of Superman, so what's the point of retelling it?
If Zack the Hack decides to take liberties, then the fanbase will scream bloody murder. If the Zack tries to stay true to the origin then it will certainly be compared to the original. It's a Kobayashi Maru.
Do you want a newly filmed origin?
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