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@Frank No word at all yet I'm afraid. The only ships I could find are the ones found on page 3 of this article. Gencon is this week though, so I bet we'll get more info!
Posted by: The Le
on 8/4/2011 7:14:24 AM
Any word on which 24 ships will be available in this game?
Posted by: Frank
on 8/4/2011 7:02:57 AM
@J: That was a mistake on my part. This has been corrected.
Posted by: The Le
on 7/7/2011 6:46:22 PM
Srsly, "Kinglogs"? Is this indicative of the quality we can expect for $99?
Posted by: J
on 7/7/2011 4:17:37 PM
I really love Star Trek, and have been a fan since the first Gen episodes. With the economy struck so hard as it has been, and continues to be... Only the rich could afford it. Unfortunately, as a rule, the people with the riches, do not even know what Star Trek is and still do not watch it. So prepare for some shelf life Fleet Captains. Its hard enough to find time to play Clix as it is... Im with John below, I would sooner buy a brick... Sorry Wizkids...
Posted by: SwatThatFly
on 6/9/2011 7:56:42 PM
100 bucks? I'd sooner buy a brick.
Posted by: John White
on 6/9/2011 6:41:02 PM
MSRP $99.99
Ha, ha, ha, ha... oh God, you're serious aren't you?
Posted by: Boggy Man
on 6/9/2011 1:57:24 PM
I saw the prototype models last year at GenCon and was really looking forward to this game, but a $100 price tag? Pass. Maybe it would have been better to not put all the ships in this box, drop the price, and release an add-on pack with the remaining ships in 3-6 months.
Posted by: hair10
on 6/9/2011 1:08:22 PM
I agree w/quicksova, this would be a great game in the $49.99-$59.99 range. I think your going to need not only the hardcore but the casual gamer that may pick it up. Plus if the next one is 100 bones it may not live that long. jmo
Posted by: Ryan T
on 6/9/2011 10:22:47 AM
According to the original ICV2 article, each side (I assume Fed and KLI) will have 12 ships each, for a total of 24. I must have missed that the first time, sorry -- I've updated my page to include this news.
Posted by: The Le
on 6/9/2011 8:36:58 AM
There better be way more ships tha that for $100
Posted by: James T Quirk
on 6/9/2011 7:50:52 AM
The game looks interesting to play, but a little on the pricey.
Posted by: quicksova
on 6/9/2011 6:59:18 AM