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I dont have any of thease but if I bought one I would really want the flash.
Posted by: morgan smith
on 12/29/2011 6:50:32 AM
uuggh I wanted queen of fables soooooo baaaaad :(
The only super rare I pulled was the flash.. :( :(
Posted by: white phoenix of the crown
on 11/14/2011 4:25:28 PM
i have the complete set with chases and le
Posted by: bp29
on 11/2/2011 9:12:26 AM
To Alejandro,Catman came out in another set a while back, look on the internet and you might be able to find one. Good Luck from another Secret Six fan.
Posted by: Dave
on 10/1/2011 10:24:16 AM
I got the son of Darseid Black/Red superman XD!!!
Posted by: Zralok
on 9/29/2011 6:44:18 PM
Does anyone know off hand if they will have a chase Cyborg?
Posted by: Bliss
on 9/26/2011 6:37:45 AM
Why is the Invisable Kid gray? Shouldn't he be clear?
Posted by: Sir Chrsitopher
on 9/25/2011 9:52:16 AM
Oh god only one supergirl?? whats wrong is there not power girl in this set? and wheres the superman son f darkseid or the superman of kandor
Posted by: Vix
on 9/21/2011 3:14:10 PM
No Catman?! DC puts out one set for every two of Marvel and they can't give me a leader for my Secret Six Team. Come on NECA, help me out here!
Posted by: Alejandro
on 9/21/2011 11:28:09 AM
im so mad that batman and the flash are supers those are the only two im intrested in :(
Posted by: hamhawk9100
on 9/21/2011 7:54:00 AM
@mbZero: I was asking around the relams, and even posted on Wizkid's FB page. Element Woman is a common, Project Em--- I mean Superman is a rare, and the four others, are all super rares. So, yeah, glad I'm buying a case.
Posted by: The Blue Hope
on 9/16/2011 10:12:59 PM
@aurajhack: it's not blackest night, it's superman beyond.
@cifer95: it is superman beyond. And he will be in the set. Weapon X from Captain America was not featured on the set list but was displayed on ads and boxes.
@-Charles: totally agree. I'm really looking forward to Brightest Day Max Lord, but I would have been fine with him being an LE. New KC Magog is cool, but in the comics Max Lord actually just prevented Magog (JSA) from becoming the man he was in KC, thus preventing the world of KC from becoming the 'real' world. It was his task in Brightest Day. So...he's kind of moot.
@The Blue Hope: where did you see that? I thought that there was picture evidence of Flash being just a rare? I hope they aren't all Supers. Not if there's no Cyborg, especially.
Was excited to see the rest of the Twelve from Brightest day! Then disappointed to see they weren't in the set. Then, excited again when I realized that the missing figures have all been made in recent sets, and Wizkids could pull out a Fast Forces! (hint hint, Wizkids!)
Posted by: mbZero
on 9/15/2011 5:20:57 PM
i thought that superman with the black suit was superman beyond or some other universe. i didnt think it was black lantern supes
Posted by: cifer95
on 9/15/2011 2:05:42 PM
where is the new kal-el from the darkest night ? you know the black suit with the white "s"
Posted by: aurajhack
on 9/15/2011 8:38:25 AM
Sorry my bad on the post: "Brightest Day" in on Max Lord
Posted by: Starman76
on 9/15/2011 6:18:09 AM
To Charles: Another post is showing that one Maxwell Lord will be no affiliation and have the key word "Brightest Night", the other lord is the one that was posted here. As for Magag--one is JSA aff, the other is Kingdom Come. The set looks awesome---glad I got my case reserved
Posted by: Starman76
on 9/15/2011 6:16:55 AM
hmmm- I didn't see it posted, so I may have missed it, but why are there two Magogs and two Max Lords? Seems like a missed opportunity for two different figures.
Posted by: -Charles
on 9/15/2011 5:20:19 AM
I long for the days where we would be shown pictures of how the figures actually look, not a super awesome, totally detailed and shaded depiction of how they look on a computer.
Posted by: dairoka
on 9/15/2011 5:19:31 AM
Please disregard that last comment. I was recently informed that the super rares start with Wonder Woman, which makes me sad face a bit. I am picking up a case, and hopefully get the three super rares I want.
Posted by: The Blue Hope
on 9/15/2011 3:01:04 AM
Are there only six super rares?
Posted by: The Blue Hope
on 9/14/2011 9:00:30 PM
I was really hopin for a new Mon-el but am now disappointed. Although the "Reign of the Supermen" theme characters look pretty cool.
Posted by: Lantern 2814.5
on 9/14/2011 6:37:21 PM
Posted by: heroclix fan
on 9/14/2011 5:56:42 PM
I want to see chases! The only Clark Kent we get is from an alternate continuity? In a Superman set? No way. And they got everybody from Flashpoint except Cyborg, that universe's superman archetype? Uh uh. I don't believe it a moment.
Posted by: mbZero
on 9/14/2011 4:54:49 PM
I've been waiting for this list... thank you!
Posted by: Ianator
on 9/14/2011 4:51:51 PM
Even the common figures are great! I can't wait to get the whole Super-Family!!! jejeje even Lois!! This is great! Hey!!! But...Where is Krypto?!?!?!?!
Posted by: JasonCR
on 9/14/2011 2:37:34 PM
can't wait for this set. silver banshee and the batman is what i'm looking forward to.
Posted by: Green Scar
on 9/14/2011 2:15:06 PM
I like seeing the list. Pretty cool that both Mercy & Hope were included. I also like getting more LOSH. Lobo is still the biggest draw for me. It will be nice for him to have more click to smash
Posted by: tylerdrake
on 9/14/2011 1:43:19 PM