• Goto Comments
It's Groundhog Day, and while people are celebrating in Punxsutawney Pennsylvania, you and your team seem to be reliving the same battle over and over again. Can you get out of this endless loop? And why does Ned Ryerson keep trying to sell you insurance?
•2-4 Players
•For 2 players: 400, 500, or 600 points.
•For 3 players: 400 or 450 points.
•For 4 players: 400 points only.
•4 actions per turn for 2 players
•3 actions per turn for 3-4 players
•All BFCs, Feats, Bystanders ATA cards allowed.
Each Player must have a minimum of 3 characters on his or her team (Bystanders do not fulfill this requirement)
The GROUNDHOG DAY card is in effect and applies to all players (note: This is not a Battlefield Condition)
Whenever a character is KO'ed, assign Victory Points immediately. If that character returns back to life, this does not impact the Victory Points that were already assigned. Note that the same character can generate multiple Victory Points if it gets KO'ed again and again.... and again and again...
If a character is KO'ed due to GROUNDHOG DAY Token damage, do not assign Victory Points for it, do not give it's character card another GROUNDHOG DAY token, and then remove that character from the game. Any GROUNDHOG DAY Tokens on it's character card are still considered in play.
•Individual Damage: When taking damage from GHD Tokens, only count the total number of GHD Tokens that is on that Character Card (not all the cards). Note that this will make the game run much longer.
•Immediate Respawn: When a character is KO'ed move it to the Starting area and heal it / take unavoidable GHD damage immediately.
•Fixed Game: Decide on a number, like 5. Whenever a player has 5 or more total GHD Tokens, the GROUNDHOG DAY card no longer applies to that player.
Recommended by Sir Christopher:
"I would add that a character may not be attacked or attack out of a starting area. The character has to actually move out of the starting area. Otherwize I can see a low point character get beat down multipule times in the same turn."