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• Goto Comments
Related: Villains for Hire Dials!
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Related: Justice League Team Base
04-04-2013: Another Gravity Feed character -- SOLSTICE! Probability Control, Penetrating/Psychic Blast, and Support! Yummy!

04-03-2013: Hey look! It's Red Hood! With more completely unnecessary Improved Movement / Targeting! He's part of the Teen Titans Gravity Feed, and clocks in at just 107 points. Stealth is okey, but we really like the Penetrating/Psychic Blast and Blades/Claws/Fangs on this bad boy. I still don't understand why they can't simply say, "ignores hindering and elevated terrain on movement," rather than an obscure image and 2 colored squares. C'mon Wizkids, stop making this game harder for new people!

03-18-2013: It's HARVEST! What a monster! At 263 points it starts with Running Shot, Impervious, and two special powers! Don't for the two traits -- one that gives him the Harvest Staff for free and anotehr that gives him +2 to Attack and Defense values. We're partcularly thrilled with all the Penetrating/Psychic Blast and Blades/Claws/Fangs too!

As of that wasn't enough, you can get the Staff!
"Harvest’s weapon (appropriately called the “Harvest Staff“) is included in the DC HeroClix: Teen TitansOrganized Play kit."

02-13-2013: Ooo! What's this? Raven comes in at 96 points but has a buttload of awesome powers including Probability Control, Phasing/Teleport, Stealth, and sometimes Super Senses!
From Wizkids: Raven can also attach to T-001 New Teen Titans, and her image on the Asset Dial allows New Teen Titans to use Regeneration, when their team base is not adjacent to an opposing character
•Related: Teen Titans Team Base

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