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I think it's more like Marvel distancing themselves from the horrible Fantastic Four movie and not allowing HC to put out any version of the Human Torch. Even poor Toro got left out.
Posted by: abdubda
on 8/27/2015 12:07:42 PM
@Prince of Orphans:
I agree with everything that you said about Jim Hammond. He was so crucial with the Invaders, both new and old, and his Human/Cyborg power set would have been invaluable in this set. I also, would have liked to see a Master Man, and it'd have been nice to get a William Nasland (Spirit of '76 or as Cap).
I do not think that they dropped the ball though. Maybe more like they forgot to invite a friend of a friend to a dinner party ;)
Posted by: David
on 8/21/2015 1:43:00 PM
They really dropped the ball with this set though by not including Jim Hammond. He would have fit in with both Shield and the Invaders. We haven't had an original Human Torch since that monstrosity (the sculpt, the dial is half decent for the time period)they gave us in Secret Invasion.
Also, I'm wondering why they decided not to include Citizen V in this set. I thought I saw him in a photo of the set somewhere. Although I could be mistaken. He would have fit though.
Posted by: Prince of Orphans
on 8/21/2015 8:48:46 AM
Like AVAS and AoU, this set gets almost a full pass from me. Just not interested. I have way too many versions of the big name avengers. Overload in one area. I liked the 2ndary Avengers in AVAS, but tons of Pyms and Ultrons and the big 4 Avengers are not needed. Neither are umpteen versions of Shield / Hydra agents. I also loath generics in uncommon slots.
Looking at getting the Fast Forces and then other characters from the TV show to round out that cast, but beyond that, NFAoS gets a big pass from me.
Posted by: superfriend
on 8/12/2015 7:27:36 AM
No thank you, this set will have 5 figures I want Max. Shitty set just as avengers assemble was....I'm sticking to my DC because they're better characters, sets and dials...I may have an unpopular opinion but I don't care. Marvel is trying to make too many D-listers cool
Posted by: Snowball
on 6/2/2015 8:48:19 PM
FYI, squid-head is Madame Hydra (Viper) after she was resurrected via some sort of parasite.
Posted by: Kragnorak
on 5/26/2015 8:57:41 AM
This set looks so good, looking forward to its release.
Posted by: GuessWho
on 5/26/2015 7:08:54 AM
Looking good.
Glad to see Union Jack again. Colson and Strucker look awesome.
Who is the lady with the octopus on her head?
Posted by: annoyinglizardvoice
on 5/26/2015 6:17:17 AM
super rares?????
cap falcon
thor (jane foster)
superior iron-man
scarlet witch
doctor strange
winter soldier
Posted by: gelle
on 5/25/2015 12:52:09 AM
I thought this would be a set to pass on. But these previews are making me want to buy some of this set for sure.
Posted by: Ugavine
on 5/24/2015 11:36:53 AM
The whole assemble a figure thing could be great if annoying. If all the pieces are common/uncommon it will be cool. If the head us a super-rare so most folks will only own an unusable headless version it will suck. Barring that love me some low cost shield figures. Should be a fun set.
Posted by: MantisWarrior
on 5/23/2015 1:49:20 AM
I need that Agent Coulson, It looks sooooo cool
Posted by: Rab4630
on 5/22/2015 9:32:49 AM
I am really looking forward to this set. Every figure in this set could be garbage and this set could still be awesome, If they include some good shield generics. One generic that acts similar to AIM agents or renegades and another generic that is straight up attack similar to the soldiers in man of steel set(and cool looking as well).
Posted by: L
on 2/11/2015 6:41:32 PM
Could be interesting.
Not sold on the Hulkbuster objects, but like the sound of the fast-forces.
Posted by: annoyinglizardvoice
on 1/31/2015 2:24:31 PM
The detail of these Heroclix seem to be very good. I'm looking forward to see all the pieces of this set.
I am wanting the fast pack with the Agents of SHIELD.
Posted by: RogueLapras
on 1/30/2015 8:59:52 PM
Yea as always Iron Man is an a** with HULK buster armor.
Posted by: Lord Logan
on 1/28/2015 7:41:45 AM
Ugh another ugly Iron Man Armour that will rarely ever see play!
Posted by: David Riches
on 1/26/2015 3:39:23 PM
Shut Up and take my money wizkids
Posted by: Bliss
on 1/26/2015 8:45:16 AM
SO PUMPED about this set!
Posted by: David
on 1/23/2015 1:43:08 PM
Posted by: Prince of Orphans
on 1/23/2015 10:49:31 AM