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It's Colossus! (click to enlarge)
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That Emma Frost switch mechanic is fantastic. I'd love to see more characters work that way! It would be even cooler if they have to roll to 'adapt/survive', like a SS roll.
Omega Red looks beastly as well, but as so often happens, his new sculpt is nowhere near as impressive as that from Mutations and Monsters.
Posted by: Kragnorak
on 5/3/2016 3:31:05 PM
I've pulled both of them in a pre-release this past weekend and played them on a team, they are pretty scary in somebody else's hands, I couldn't roll to save my life.
Posted by: drakelf
on 4/27/2016 8:58:16 PM
@ Wolf
Good call! Shame though, I'd have liked a ' when the going gets tough the tough look out for number one " type character.
Posted by: MantisWarrior
on 4/15/2016 2:53:39 PM
That looks like a great Magneto dial for 90 pts, but it's pretty weak and low-cost for a Veteran Magneto! I mean, a recent Black Widow is 110 pts and Magneto's power level is off the charts compared to hers
Posted by: Kragnorak
on 4/13/2016 7:44:23 AM
I don't think he'll be able to attach it to himself, since the power says "another friendly character"
Posted by: Wolf
on 4/12/2016 3:21:35 PM
That magneto dial looks pretty solid for 90 points. I like the way the shield works. At the start of the game he can give it to a buddy then, once he takes a hit or two and loses his own ESD can steal it off them and be selfish. Very Magnetish IMHO!
Posted by: MantisWarrior
on 4/12/2016 11:51:52 AM
Omega red is looking great. Only the sculpt is inferior to the old MuMo one. If you can get the charge off he'll be in a nice place to absorb retaliation.
Nightcrawler is cheap and cheerful but doesn't stand out compared to previous versions.
Posted by: MantisWarrior
on 4/6/2016 10:27:05 AM
Gracias BAM!
Posted by: MantisWarrior
on 3/5/2016 1:09:06 AM
Out of my Way!
Give Juggernaut a power action and move him in a straight line using IM Ignores Hindering, Destroys Blocking, Ignores Characters. After resolving actions make a close combat attack against all characters along the path Juggernaut traveled. Those characters take 3 damage rather than normal damage and are placed adjacent to the square that Juggernaut traveled.
My Helmet Protects Me!
Juggernaut starts the match with his helmet on. While Juggernaut’s Helmet is on, Juggernaut cannot be targeted by mind control, outwit, penetrating/ psychic blast, and has willpower.
When the helmet is on and Juggernaut is damaged by a close combat attack, The attack does not cause damage. The opponent whose character attacked Juggernaut and Juggernaut’s player roll 1D6 each adding their characters respective damage values to their roll. If Juggernaut’s combined roll total is less than the attacking character’s roll, The helmet is removed from the game.
Posted by: BAM
on 3/4/2016 10:33:27 AM
1) The cover shown isn't always the 1st appearance (hasn't been for a few years)
2) The GSX Collosus had the cover so I think they are simply trying to diversify the cover since we don't get Collosus as much as Wolverine and Batman.
Posted by: Lord Logan
on 2/23/2016 5:08:39 PM
He was first in giant sized x-men 1 but they are showing a different cover. What's up with that?
Posted by: Joe
on 2/19/2016 10:04:49 PM
Boishe moi! That's a pretty buff dial for 50 pts, huh?
Posted by: Kragnorak
on 2/19/2016 12:02:59 PM
Posted by: Urmom
on 2/18/2016 7:20:26 PM