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• Goto Comments
Related: MARVEL HeroClix 10th Anniversary Spoilers
Related: 10th Anniv. Chase figures!
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05-29-2012: Alrigty then. The first images of DC HeroClix 10th Anniversary is here, and it's BRANIAC! Well, two Braniacs actually. The first Braniac is simple ANTI-SUPERMAN figure. Who doesn't hate Superman, right?
Braniac's a big 160 points, and only 7 clicks of life, but look at all those colors. Running Shot + Pulse Wave is just a killer combination. And if you don't want that, then use his Outwit and blast an opponent for [5] freakin' damage! Got some perplex? Then take that damage to 8! Let's not forget the Impervious, Invulnerability and Toughness!

This version of Braniac comes in three flavores -- 100 points, 175 points, or teh monster 350 points. Again, he's an Anti Superman piece, but he also has Indomitable and a hodgepodge of powers including Close Combat Expert, Charge, and some other wierd combos. But look at those Special Powers! Three of them!

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