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Related: Worst Clix Ever - Element Lad
Related: Worst Clix Ever - Abomination
Related: Worst Clix Ever - Parasite
Related: Worst Clix Ever - Hawkeye
• Goto Comments
There are some HeroClix dials that are so horribly made that you wonder what the designers were thinking. There are others, like Wrecker, that you stare at long enough and keep wishing it were a good dial, but you you can't... because it's garbage. Welcome to another installment of Worst Clix Ever...
It's hard not to glance at this dial and think "Wow, I bet he's good", and in reality he isn't that bad. Wrecker gets lots of Charge, and near full dial of Super Strength (with some Quake at the end), and a full dial of damage reducers. But wow that's some horrible movement -- does anyone start off with a [6] speed anymore?
Of course, even with the
Team ability, Wrecker has one huge glaring problem -- HE'S TOO BLOODY EXPENSIVE. 230 points? For this? Really? That's more than half your team at 300 or 400 points.
Continued below...

It's hard to justify this dial at this high of cost. Impervious, Invulnerability, potential to deal 5 damage with Close Combat Expert and Penetrating damage with Exploit Weakness... all good stuff... but who cares? HE'S FREAKIN' 230 POINTS... has no range, and a puny speed that's mostly sixes. Is this a joke?
Let's take the next couple pages to see how you can do better with 230 points...
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