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Awesome Clix: TK Masters
The Le (01/27/2015)
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Goto Comments

If you need a little more oomph to your game the rookie JOHNNY ALPHA is an excellent choice. Unlike Jean Grey and the Mandroid Armor, Johnny is actually a decent secondary attacker and tie-up piece. Stealth will keep him safe from ranged attacks while Super Senses could very well keep him alive the entire game.

He's got a workable attack value of 9, but with the 2000 AD Team ability he'll get a +1 to his attack rolls.

Continued below...

Johnny Alpha HeroClix Dial

There you have it... three Telekinesis figures that every Golden Age team should play. You've got lots of good choices here -- if you want the cheapest route then go with Mandroid Armor (28 pts). For X-Teams, go with Jean Grey (31 pts). For a secondary attacker/tie-up/harrasser, go with Johnny Alpha (41 pts).

Why aren't you using these Awesome Clix?

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Your Comments:
I really enjoyed using a R Jean Grey on an awesome team for a WK open or whatever the heck they called it in 06. She was integral for a wildcard abuse team with E Unleashed Black Adam, V Mutant Mayhem Dagger, V Ultimates Black Widow, R Critical Mass Moloid and a R or E Con Artist from Clobbering Time (I think)

I would like to nominate Dagger to be on the Awesome Clix list! Any fig that is that flexible with a start click that has Running shot Penetrating blast with 3 damage for 69 points is insane!

Posted by: BAM on 12/13/2015 5:37:14 PM
Ahh Jean. One of the 5 infinity challenge figures I still use to this day.The xmen keyword goes a long way to making her my fave of the three showcased here.

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 2/1/2015 2:25:57 PM
I am surprise not to see STAR Labs Technician I think it was called, she got sidestep, TK, Support/defend (lower def for healing) when pushed for only 33 points. Blue Recruit gives you perplex, enchantment, TK for 50 points.

Posted by: UndyingRedComet on 1/27/2015 12:37:47 PM
I'm a real fan of any of the Fear Itself 3 point pogs with a catapult. 13 point TK 2 turns in a row, pushing them to KO, then reassign the construct to someone who can benefit from Emotional Spectrum.

Posted by: mountopher on 1/27/2015 11:54:02 AM
In modern age, WatX Jean Grey for 40 points is very good. And then we have SLoSH Cosmic Boy with his 2 TK actions per turn and free action TK when he has 2 action tokens.

Posted by: superfriend on 1/27/2015 7:43:20 AM