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Our Reader's Choice poll is complete and the HeroClix Community has spoken -- today we bring you the Quintessential Taskmaster. As always, polls matter here at HeroClix World!
The key feature of any Taskmaster is his Photographic Reflexes, and Eric Schaen's take is a little different than what we've seen in the past. The Quintessential Taskmaster can use these Reflexes to increase his attack or defense seemingly at will. Of course, he excellent natural values will keep him viable for the entire game, but with Photographic Reflexes he can emulate any tentpole your opponent throws his way.
Dial be Eric Schaen (continued below)

Photographic Reflexes aside, The Quintessential Taskmaster is quite potent with just his natural abilities. He can move and attack with most of his dial thanks to Charge and Running Shot, and early Toughness helps. Offensively he's also not to be taken lightly thanks to his Avengers Arsenal -- with that power he can use Flurry or Blades/Claws/Fangs (not to mention some Precision Strike later in the dial)
Speaking of Avengers Arsenal, if you need a little more oomph, he can use that power to give himself Energy Shield/Deflection, essentially bringing his defense to 19! And remember, ES/D is a modify power. So you could use Photographic Reflexes to replace his defense with someone else's [17], which gives him an effective 18... then activate ES/D to give himself an effective 20 defense against ranged attacks!
So, would you play The Quintessential Taskmaster?