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The Awesome Clix series focuses on older figures (mostly modern age) that are still potent in HeroClix Teams.
The Silver Samurai seems a tad pricey for what he does, but for 100 points he has quite a lot of damage output, making him an Awesome Clix.

The Silver Samurai has Phasing/Teleport for the entire dial, and can use it as a free action once per game. This free use is critical to the dial since most players will forget about it -- allowing you to get in a surprise attack late in the game.
Think about that. You're 2 figures down and you've hurt the opponent's tentpole. He decides to rest his tentpole, thinking that your 5th click Silver Samurai is too far away to do any good. Then BAM -- you use the free Phasing/Teleport to get in and finish him off!
Oh, and let's not forget those 3 starting clicks of Charge.
Damage Output
Yeah, it's good. Blades/Claws/Fangs for the entire dial, and Exploit Weakness at the end -- he literally has a way to deal Penetrating Damage the entire dial (or 4+ natural damage). A 100 point figure that can deal 6 natural damage or 3 penetrating damage? That's pretty scary.
On the defense side, he's got a full dial of damage reduction, from Invulnerability to Toughness. Sure he drops down to [16] but at least he starts with [17].
100 Points may seem a bit pricey, but the Silver Samurai's damage output is very useful, not to mention his phasing trick for a late game hit. The Stealth, Combat Reflexes, and
abilites are just icing on the cake. As a secondary attacker for your team, Silver Samurai would be a great addition, easy to play for beginners and with enough tricks for the advanced players too.
Congrats Silver Samurai, you're this week's Awesome Clix!