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I am happy to announce the birth of my first child, BABY LE! Coming in at seven pounds and twenty inches, this boy is being prepped for a life as the son of a geek.
To the right is me showing him the ropes on Gears of War. Unfortunately we totally got pwned, mostly because Baby Le can't quite figure out how to use thumbs yet.
Unfortunately the things just went downhill from there. Below is the shirt and bib I got him, but gosh he didn't like it... not sure why. Maybe he's not a Star Trek fan, or maybe he thinks William Shatner's an over actor. Then again, it's not too late for me to get him that Red Shirt.

Of course, not all is lost -- it turns out Baby Le doesn't seem to mind the Zombies, which is too bad because every baby should be afraid of the undead.

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