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• Goto Comments
Also check out more Giant Size X-Men coverage in our TOYFAIR 2011 Section!
And check out the GsX Poster images!
Also see a preview of the BLOB!
Also see a preview of the GsX Maps!
Also see our Juggernaut Mystical Helmet Token!
Also see the additional Horseman of apocalypse, as convention exclusives!
Also see 3-Colossals Toys R Us Eclusives!
10-12-2010: GIANT SIZED X-MEN IS CONFIRMED! This comes directly from Wizkids:
•GSX will have a new Brick Configuration – I call it the 8+1 brick – 8 regular boosters and 1 super booster.
•There are 8 different Super Boosters (all of which are blind and have unique content). We moved to a new configuration b/c we wanted a way to deliver “extreme” content without the “extreme” price increase. We think we struck the right balance.
•Stores that pre-order GSX will be eligible to purchase additional supper boosters equal to the number of bricks they pre-order.
•Super boosters will have an SRP of $23.98 (they replace 2 regular boosters in the brick)
•The in store brick program will return with GSX. You’ll be getting Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man) when you purchase your brick at your local retailer.
10-10-2010: We still don't have any "official" word on this product, but the images look pretty darned good... So as of now we're going to say that it's legit (we may eat our words later, but that's okey since we're shameless).
These images come from Jeff T, theavengerthor, and Oliver R.

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