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Here at HeroClix World, we're completely and utterly fascinated by DC's "New 52" Universe. For those of you who are unaware, DC is "relaunching" (refusing to call it a reboot) all DC titles with new #1 issues.
The change isn't just cosmetic, as the entire DC Universe itself has gone through a drastic change. While some costumes have been changed (most noteable is Superman), some teams like the JSA has been completely removed entirely! And even more drastic is the flagrant ego boost by Jim Lee by incorporated the STORMWATCH as part of DC history.
Regardless, the new 52 has now begin and sales are extraordinary -- Justice League #1 is going into a second and third printing already. As part of our extremely superficial coverage of this event, we present to you all #1 comic book covers for the new 52 (on sale now).
(click HERE to see larger version)