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To prep for our massive October give-aways, we're giving away 3 free HeroClix figures! Continue below...
Welcome to another installment of Worst Clix Ever. Today we look the first clix that came back to the HeroClix World (see what we did there) after Wizkids came back from the dead -- Thor's Mighty Chariot!
We've already talked about why the 500-pt World's Finest is the Worst Clix ever, and now you can tell us why Thor's Mighty Chariot is so terrible!
Before you say "Well, it doesn't hold up in today's game"; well, just know this - it sucked when it first came out too.
Continued Below...

It's simple - just post a comment below telling us why the Thor's Mighty Chariot falls into the "Worst Clix Ever" hall of fame, and you could win a free sealed HeroClix figure! We'll pick out 3 winners this week.
Rules: 1 entry per person. Contest ends Friday September 25th 2015. Don't forget to enter your email address.