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• Goto Comments
Clix Beat is a series of HeroClix strategy articles that focuses on just one HeroClix character.
I'm not going to lie -- I didn't like Zuvembie at first. At a very high level, Zuvembie feels like a weak HeorClix figure with a horribly low defense and an absurd 4 clicks of life. But once you look deeper you'll find that he's quite a powerhouse for a 25 measly points.
Zuvembie's combat values are bad, but not completely unfortunate. His movement is terrible and his defense is a non-factor in today's power creep, but he has a very respectable Attack value and excellent [2] damage for the first two clicks. While this is nothing to write home about, it does make Zuvembie a work-able tertiary attacker, as long as you're willing to put him in harms way (remember, he only has 4 clicks of life).

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