• Goto Comments
Today we kick off a brand new series called The Worst Clix Ever. There are literally thousands of HeroClix figures out there today and a lot of them are really badly designed. Some, however, are worse than others -- look no farther than the rookie Hawkeye from the Marvel HeroClix Set, Clobberin' time!
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Yeah, you see the problem right away, right? 2 ranged attacks with [0] damage. What a waste of space! Of course, back then you also didn't need distribute your damage across all targets (so if you had a damage value of [2] you could deal 2 damage to two different targets). Not that it matters -- zero damage is still zero damage.
note: Ranged Combat Expert has always been +2 damage to a single target. This has never changed.
As for his combat values, they're actually not bad at all for an old 29-point rookie. Back then they didn't hand out 11AV and 17D like candy to children who didn't know any better. But still -- this archer should have had at least a [1] in that damage value slot.
Congratulations Hawkeye, you're today's Worst Clix Ever.
Want to win a free HeroClix Figure? Then tell us your Worst Clix Ever! Details found in the last page of Clix Addict #2!