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We haven't seen a Sunfire HeroClix dial since the old Armor Wars set came out, but that's not going to stop up from giving you the Quintessential Sunfire! Once again, Eric Schaen's dial designs shines as we update this classic hero!
At 119 points, the Quintessential Sunfire is a great secondary attacker for your teams, especially with a range of 7 with Energy Explosion and Pulse Wave. Eric also gave the Quintessential Sunfire a starting click of Running Shot and Energy Shield/Deflection that will basically bring his defense up to a whopping 19 against ranged attacks!
Dial by Eric Schaen (continued Below)...

Coupled with some Flight, Ranged Combat Expert, and Willpower, the Quintessential Sunfire is a perfect taxi and attacker for your teams. But he's not just about ranged combat -- bring him him close and his Aura of Heat will deal 1 damage to anyone, even the Hulk and Superman! Best of all, Aura of Heat is a Trait (making it immune to Outwit!)
Stand back, because the Quintessential Sunfire is heating up the HeroClix World (see what we did there?)