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Welcome back to another Heroclix World Sneak Peak. Many players have been looking forward to a new cosmic based set for a while now, and it looks like they are getting their wish with the “Galactic Guardians” set.
This week we have another preview from the upcoming Gravity Feed set featuring the Lord of Latveria, Dr. Victor Von Doom. (What exactly is he a Dr. of anyway?) He is #205 in the upcoming gravity feed set.
(Click to see full Doom Dial)
It looks like the Gravity Feed set offers a quality version of Dr. Doom. Coming in at 139 points, this rookie version of Dr. Doom packs a solid punch while leaving room for good support options for your team.
Doom is equipped with appropriate Keywords for theme building including; Armor, Mystical, Ruler and Scientist.
Combat Values
The Doc’s combat values are very solid for his cost. His attack, defense and damage values are very consistent throughout his dial. His speed values are not terrible, just not as impressive as his others stats. He also has a range value of (8) and (2) targeting bolts. Not bad for a rookie dial.
Dr. Doom features a trait named “Hated Rivals.” This trait modifies Doom’s attack value +1, when targeting characters that have the Fantastic Four keyword, or Team ability. (This feels very appropriate, if you ask me.)
Special Powers
This Doom has a single special power called “Force-Shielded Armor.” It allows Doom to use Energy Shield/Deflection and Invulnerability in concert. Effectively raising Victor’s Defense to a 19 from range combat while reducing damage taken by (2). The power also states that when an opposing character makes a close combat attack and misses, they get knocked back equal to their damage value. (Doom demands his personal space!)
Powers & Abilities
Doom opens with two powers; Quake and Ranged Combat Expert. No wonder he wants his space, he deals more damage with ranged combat attacks. His next set of powers includes: Pulse Wave and Invulnerability. Later, Doom gains Force Blast (again with the “me time”), Penetrating/Psychic Blast and Toughness are also present on his dial, with Energy Explosion as a late addition on his final clix. Doom has the Minion of Doom team ability for utilizing other friendly character’s team abilities. Doom also has the Flight and Indomitable abilities. Indomitable is what really makes his dial work, allowing Doom to take actions consecutively without suffering pushing damage.
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