Related: Worst Clix Ever - Abomination
Related: Worst Clix Ever - Hawkeye
Related: The Quintessential Taskmaster
Related: Worst Clix Ever - World's Finest
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Welcome to another edition of Worst Clix Ever, where we find... well... the worst clix... ever. Today's entry is rather ironic: Taskmaster. He's ironic because the previous iteration (Infinity Challenge) was actually selected in our other series, Awesome Clix.
See Awesome Clix: Taskmaster
So why is this Taskmaster so terrible? Oh let me count the ways.... right of the bat you'll notice how fairly mediocre he is on the front of his dial. A 6 range with [3] damage isn't bad (not to mention the 10 Attack), but the lack of move-and-attack and willpower means he's going to lose that click of Stealth after making an attack -- an attack that can't be made until the second turn. That's a tough sell for 140 points.
Continued below...

Taskmaster's claim to fame is his Photographic Reflexes, which could easily let him make an attack with a [12], but by the time he gets it, his core attack value is down to 8 or 9. Assuming he gets a +3 bump to his attack value this way, he still needs to roll a d6, which gives him a 50% chance to take unavoidable damage afterwards! That's... well... awful.
The rest of him isn't so great either. The only real saving grace of this figure is the fact that he's a Wild Card -- but even with that, he's just too expensive to field (taking up nearly half the points in a 300 point game).
Congrats Taskmaster, you're both an Awesome Clix and this week's Worst Clix Ever!