Related: Worst Clix Ever - Iron Man Mk 15
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Related: Worst Clix Ever - Element Lad
• Goto Comments
We continue our Worst Clix Ever series with something a little more recent than the previous choices - Marvel DOFP Hound, from the Action Pack series!
At first glance Hound seems very powerful, even at 130 points. 10 clicks of life is awfully deep and her attack values are workable, even in today's power game -- the Defense is good in the first half of the dial too. But those starting clicks just stink to high heaven. Right off the bat she starts with 4 clicks Earthbound/Neutralized, making her Flight completely useless.
Her damage is 0 with Close Combat Expert -- why? Seriously. It'll take her 2 turns just to get into position to deal 2 damage? Really? She does have Incapacitate with a range of 8, but again she's not going to be useful until turn 2 or likely turn 4 after she rests (and that [9] attack value is pretty mediocre). All that for 130 points? Really?
Continued Below...

I have to admit, the last half of the dial is better -- thanks to Ranged Combat Expert, Super Senses, and a touch of Pulse Wave and Penetrating/Psychic Blast. The Telekinesis is wasted in the last half (and extremely uselss in the first half of the dial), but some of that Mind Control isn't bad.
But once again, for 130 points she's just going to sit around and do nothing for 4 turns. A smart player will just let her wither in the wind and deal with her last, since she's not useful (or even a threat) for her first 4 clicks of life.
Don't get be wrong, the dial isn't bad... if it were 70 points or so. But at 130 it's awful.
Congratulations Hound, you're this week's Worst Clix Ever!