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• Goto Comments
The Le: Do you have any advice out there for aspiring artists/sculptors?
James: My best advice is to network as much as you can. Take advantage of the wealth of tutorials and message boards out there that offer tecniques for sculpting. I did a sculpting tutorial for a company called Miniature Mentor that is a good guide to sculpting miniatures and I often post tutorials about sculpting on my blog. There is a sculpting group on Yahoo that is really good for people who are starting out, they have tons of articles and an entire community where you can link up with other sculptors, get your work crituqued and tecnical support. Some of the most important things to remember is to keep practicing, and always keep an open mind when it comes to learning new things. If you approach something with the attitude that you are gifted or special and have a huge ego then other artists will sense that and won't want to share with you, you can't learn something if you think you are the best already. You have to have a thick skin and be able to take critisism, if not you won't be able to fix things that you will inevitably do wrong.
The Le: Any final comments or thoughts?
James: I'd like to thank all my fans who have supported me over the years. Heroclix fans are some of the best and most vocal fans out there and it really means alot to me to hear feedback on my work (both good and bad). I kind of work in a bubble so when a set comes out I always look forward to seeing the fans reation to my figures, it is one of the few times you can feel validated for what you do everyday. I'm really positive about the recent news about the ressurection of Heroclix and am really glad that is looks as though HOT and B&B will finally be released. It is a credit to the fans that this happened, without their support a great game would have died.
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