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Related: Slade Files: Spider-Man
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Web: Web-Shooters: Once at the beginning of your turn, if Spider-man has no action tokens, as a free action he may place a Web special terrain marker in a in a square occupied by a target opposing character withing 6 squares and line of fire.
Playing Spider-Man
Spider-Man is going to give players some interesting options. He seems to function as a mobile tie up piece that can also bring in some serious damage. While his Web attacks can shut down another foe from taking an action on their turn. Remember the web attack does not require a roll to hit so you are guaranteed a hit when you use this free ability. Also it is not worded as a ranged attack so unless I’m mistaken, you can place the web/special token on characters even when Spidey is adjacent to an opposing character! (Provided he has line of fire to them.) Anyways if you are able to keep rolling 4, 5, or 6 when attacked, spider-man can be a real nuisance to deal with.
Combating Spider-Man
So how do you take him down? Simple: hit him hard. Well, maybe not that simple. If you do land the hit on Spidey, he’s going to take the damage like any other character without a damage reducer. Also his lack of move and attack powers help you being the one to land the first hit since in most cases he is going to have to come to you in order to be effective. So take advantage of that and try and score the first hit. After all he can still end up with a roll of 1-3 on those Spidey sense rolls.
When choosing feats for this Spider-Man some obvious ones come to mind. Lunge is almost a must. For 5 points Spidey will gain some move and attack mobility. If you are not playing a theme team, Loner is the next logical choice to boost his already good defense to even better for another 5 points. Vaultat just 3 points this feat can be a great way to position Spidey for that free web shooter ability, even while he’s engaged with another character. On the more expensive side I think Life Model Decoy is a good choice to give him some damage reducing ability for when he does take damage.
Team Building
One thing I love about this version is his low cost of 78 points. This makes him equally effective in smaller games or bigger games. When building your teams, Spidey should be used as secondary or even third tier attacker. His primary function should be harassment piece with some bite to him. Characters with flight or TK are going to make him even better as they will be able to get him in position to attack or Web Shooter much quicker.
Final assessment
Well, he may not be a power house, but he is a quite capable character who functions well with a team and can hold his own. He can be huge annoyance to deal with for opposing characters. I have to admit this character feels a lot like the Spider-Man I’ve been reading all these years.For 78 points you can do a lot worse, than to field this version of Spider-man on your teams.
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