HeroClix 2011 Rules Changes
The Le
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From Wizkidsgames.com: •When moving, you must move through each of these two squares in order to change elevations (unless you have an ability like Flight or Phasing/Teleport that allows you to ignore elevated squares for movement purposes).
•Two characters occupying these two squares may make close combat attacks against one another.
ELEVATED TERRAIN (MULTIPLE HEIGHTS) You can now have multiple elevations. Each elevation will have a triangle with a number on it. These triangles will only appear on maps with 3 elevations (we're not sure why). So the ground will have a triangle with "1", while the second floor has a triangle with "2" and the third floor will have a trianfle with "3".
From Wizkidsgames.com: On maps with more than 2 elevations, we are going to be using small triangles where you change elevations so that you know just how high up your character is. Maps that do not use elevation level triangles follow all of the current rules of HeroClix – you just treat the grounded terrain as “level 1” and the elevated terrain as “level 2”. There’s no need for the numbers when there are only the two levels.
If you are already familiar with lines of fire and the way that elevation factors into the equation, learning to use multiple levels of elevation is relatively simple. In fact, in terms of 2 elevations, the rules are the same. Simply replace “grounded” with “a lower elevation” and replace “elevated” with “a higher elevation” and all of the same principles apply.
Example (see image to right): When characters are on different levels of terrain, the lines of fire behave just like they do now when the only 2 terrain levels affecting the line of fire are those 2 levels. In this picture, we have Enchantress on level 2, Thor is on level 3, and Loki is on level 4. Enchantress and Thor can draw lines of fire to each other. Thor and Loki can draw lines of fire to each other (in fact, since Thor has 2 targets, he can draw a line of fire to both Enchantress and Loki with one attack). It is the line of fire between Enchantress and Loki that is blocked.
INDOOR VS OUTDOOR TERRAIN From Wizkidsgames.com: Firstly, the walls that make up the edge of indoor terrain can definitely be destroyed. Secondly, indoor blocking terrain (and consequently, indoor walls) is considered to exist at all elevations. This is different from outdoor blocking terrain which will only exist at the elevation of the terrain.
From Wizkidsgames.com: If the knock back path is not along a straight horizontal or vertical line, then the knock back path follows the diagonal line starting with the square that is on the opposite side of the target from the attacker, in both the vertical as well as horizontal direction.
Example (see right image): Thor has hit Loki and rolled doubles, so there is knock back. Obviously, the line of fire is not on a vertical, horizontal or perfect diagonal, so we need to figure out the knock back path. The first instruction tells us that it “follows the diagonal line”, so there are only 4 choices for that (labeled A, B, C, and D). Next, we’re told that they have to be on “the opposite side of the target from the attack” – that narrows the list of choices to A and C. Lastly, the instructions say “in both the vertical and horizontal direction” – the grey lines illustrate the “vertical and horizontal” lines that are being implied by this. There is clearly only one square that is opposite from the attacker in both directions – square A – and that is the path that the knock back will follow.
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