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#1 Maps
Maps are the world in which the HeroClix battles take place. They take our forces to other planets, distant locales, or the office building down the block. They are required for play and we wouldn't have it any other way. HC players do so love their maps after all!
So why are they an "accessory"? Because there are many, many options beyond the official WizKids produced maps. Feel like going vertical? Build a 3D map! These can be created using several different software programs or from something as simple as cardboard boxes decorated and drawn with grid lines.
Want a different look and feel to your maps? Mighty Maps offers several different maps created by people who created maps for the Star Wars minis game. They offer some great playability.
Want something totally off the wall? Try something like custom maps made to look like breakfast tables or the Pac-Man maze (easily printed on vinyl at for a very reasonable cost).
Feeling really ambitious? Create your own map! The battles take place in a world of our creation, so go create!
Did you know that Karl "hair10" Markovich was once an official Wizkids HeroClix rules Arbitratpr? Find out more about Hair 10 in our official Heroclix World interview, 10 Minutes With Hair10.
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