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• Goto Comments
Related: Galactic Guardians Gravity Feed Spoilers
Related: Galactic Guardians Fast Forces
02-10-2012: What's this? It's the King of Atlantis himself - NAMOR!

02-03-2012: It's DR STRANGE, and his ASTRAL FORM!
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(Click to see full dial)
Looks like the boys at FIGURES.COM got an exclusive look at Master Mold and Giganto.
[19] Defense with Impervious, [5] Damage and Penetrating Blast? That's pretty slick.
Don't take my word for it, head over to and take a look for yourself!
01-27-2012: Now here's a treat. The Marvel Galactic Guardians HeroClix set now features MORG! Wow, that's a whole lotta Exploit Weakness!
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