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• Goto Comments
It must be mentioned that Bane's voice was a serious distraction from a serious movie. I'm aware that Tom Hardy re-recorded all of his voice-overs between the original trailer and the final movie (to make Bane easier to understand), but what the hell is up with the Sean Connery voice? The voice literally downgraded Bane from a "Batman Villain" to a rejected "James Bond Villain".
Seriously, close your eyes and think about Batman's voice and Bane's voice. Now image this dialog:
Christian-Bale-Batman: Do you expect me to talk?
Tom-Hardy-Bane: No, Mr. Wayne. I expect you to die!
I thought the final twist at the end, with the daughter of Ra’s Al Ghul, was great. It was fun twist that I didn't see coming at all. But the moment that happens, Bane went from villain #1 to a glorified henchmen. That's not a huge problem, as long as he's still a threat. But he wasn't. He literally gets shot 2 minutes later by the Bat-Bike.
A major villain deserves a major conclusion, and we didn't get it here. It reminds of the lame wrap up of the Scarecrow in second movie, or how Count Dooku is unceremoniously killed in the first 10 minutes of Star Wars Episode 3. Even Samuel L. Jackson get a better send off in that shark movie.
Bane's ending came dangerously close to an off-screen death, and it's not what he deserved. I get that he's a glorified henchmen, but even they get better deaths in other movies -- a good example is Karl, the blond henchmen from Die Hard (he's killed twice, the first time by getting hung by the neck by McClane).
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