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05-28-2015: Yu-Gi-Oh HeroClix (series 3) is out now, and Married with Clix has an unboxing video!
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Posted by: Lord Logan
on 10/1/2014 2:44:40 PM
It should be pointed out that Kuriboh and Sangan are NOT part of this set, but from the previous Yugio set. They were included in the preview article at HeroClix dot com as examples to use with the Magician of Black Chaos which IS a new piece from the new set.
Posted by: superfriend
on 9/25/2014 10:41:16 AM
Wow, Magician of Black Chaos looks crazy good for those points. I don't know how I feel about using Ritual (unless you KO a really whoosy character I suppose) but I'd rather start off with him in the begining. Early Outwit, Prob AND Perplex? Sign me up. Especially if Pulse Wave is involved.
Posted by: Lord Logan
on 9/24/2014 5:05:21 PM
The millennium resource dial and objects look cool. Not sure how many locations are going to run this, but I'd like to get a hold of them.
Posted by: superfriend
on 9/17/2014 6:55:23 AM
WizKids NEEDS to make these Modern legal so we can play them with the Marvel and DC pieces!
Posted by: superfriend
on 9/11/2014 7:20:35 AM
so excited for the series two and battle of the mellinium! this is gonna be so boss! a yu-gi-oh resource dial with all the mellinium puzzle items! plus dark magician girl to pair with my dark magician and blue eyes ultimate dragon red eyes black metal dragon and maybe exodia!!! hope hope hope! so excited cant wait i will definitely be buying the hell out of these!! unlike others who only care about marvel/dc i really like the yu-gi-oh pieces and have stood toe to toe with the best marvel/dc pieces to date! with my forged team of baddies!!! bring on the pain!!
Posted by: decoder
on 8/23/2014 12:18:32 PM
Is there gonna be anything about the series two?
Posted by: Decoder
on 7/30/2014 2:24:41 AM
Posted by: DECODER
on 7/22/2014 9:33:51 AM
Saw a few of these yesterday at two local stores. Bought Deadpool GF instead.
Posted by: superfriend
on 4/30/2014 7:11:51 AM
me an my friendsjust play for fun modern or not...i was the first to by the yu-gi-oh clix when they released and i already got all the ones i wanted Red eyes black dragon, the chase dark magician, catapult turtle, blade knight, breaker the magical warrior, gia the fierce knight, and harpy lady... all mine :P
Posted by: decoder
on 4/25/2014 2:45:09 PM
According to WK, this set is out. No idea if it really is as its immediate send to Golden Age makes it less desirable and unlikely stores around me will carry it.
Posted by: superfriend
on 4/25/2014 7:12:32 AM
Blade knight is so baddass im deffinatly running him with the Book of the skull :)
Posted by: decoder
on 4/16/2014 1:40:18 PM
No Yugio preview today? sad face.
Now go look at the War of Light stuff page to see what was shown today!
Posted by: superfriend
on 4/10/2014 7:53:58 AM
WizKids should just let us play these in Modern Age. Then we could run an army of Berzerk Gorillas.
Posted by: superfriend
on 4/3/2014 2:24:28 PM
WizKids should copy that Berserk Gorilla dial over to represent one of the new Super-Apes. This should be Grigori, who replaced Mikhlo.
Posted by: Kragnorak
on 4/3/2014 10:52:20 AM
in regards to the forgiving maiden, why the hell would i NOT use it. That trait is amazing, even if it is only used once in a game, it could be at an absolute crucial moment. Imagine healing Mon el prime back to full.
Posted by: jake
on 4/2/2014 1:47:41 PM
Yeah, most gravity feed sets up until now have been 18 to 24 pieces. And you got most (if not all) of it if you bought a solid cube of 24.
No idea on this one other than there are enough pieces at each rarity to fill a full 5 figure booster release, over 2x as many as a normal gravity feed set.
Posted by: superfriend
on 3/28/2014 6:30:50 AM
The harpy looks kinda cool, pity it's a super-rare. This set is way too big for a grav-feed.
Posted by: annoyinglizardvoice
on 3/26/2014 6:18:28 PM
OK, I know Wednesday is Yugio day, but this is ridiculous. How does WizKids expect to keep me excited about upcoming sets when 1/2 of the previews are for a set I cannot even use in standard format play?
WizKids NEEDS to make ALL licenses valid for Modern Age tournaments or they need to increase the number of previews for the Marvel and DC lines.
Posted by: superfriend
on 3/26/2014 9:41:45 AM
And the alligator should be a Swimmer! (dolphin speed symbol)!
Posted by: superfriend
on 3/24/2014 9:43:33 AM
Agreed. An army of gorillas or alligators or a number of the other Yugio pieces would look amazing on the board. Another reason why ALL licenses should be Modern Age tournament legal for 2+ years after release.
Posted by: superfriend
on 3/24/2014 9:42:27 AM
I really need a army of those gorillas. I can't to use them all when I play at the board game barrister
Posted by: Thordude12
on 3/21/2014 4:16:28 PM
Harpie Lady is badass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Skrull Lucas
on 3/21/2014 8:53:50 AM
Referring to Harpie Lady in my previous post.
Posted by: jwats
on 3/20/2014 5:38:38 AM
Gonna throw it out there, this should be a Carnage dial. He needs to be properly done.
Posted by: jwats
on 3/20/2014 5:37:27 AM
Harpie Lady... wow that would be a prime if it came out in a Marvel/DC set. 8 clicks of flurry/bcf/super senses for 99 points?! Before you even count half the dial has precision strike, charge, and combat reflexes! WTF
Posted by: Adamantium
on 3/19/2014 12:35:59 PM
@superfriend: Yes, I was thinking that when I first saw some of the monsters. I have no real interest in the franchise (other than the abridged series) but I intend to grab some of the commons for rpg critters.
I agree with those that say all modern stuff should be tournament-valid regardless of franchise.
Posted by: annoyinglizardvoice
on 3/14/2014 2:35:36 PM
Another thought. A lot of these would make great miniatures for D&D style gaming. Maybe those people would be interested in my extras/duplicates.
Posted by: superfriend
on 3/6/2014 7:58:31 AM
Forgot to talk to the owner / judge about getting it officially house ruled to allow these in tournaments in our store. I think I'll try to suggest we might get a bigger player base if we do so. And yes, I will include Hobbit and other licenses as well in my request.
Posted by: superfriend
on 3/6/2014 5:36:05 AM
In reality official Modern Age is Origins and GenCon. (And even then they have tournaments for the other sets.) Venues have the freedom to whatever they want to do. That's why I said talk to your play group. If you have a "judge," I find most of them are open to allowing these figures at least on a limited basis. If you don't, I'm guessing a lot of the people are your friends and would be open to allowing you to play these figures that you bought.
Posted by: Analysis
on 2/18/2014 8:04:25 PM
And I wish they would change it so that EVERY set regardless of license is usable in Modern Age for approx 2 years and then retired as the Marvel and DC sets are now.
Not being able to play them makes me unlikely to buy them.
Posted by: superfriend
on 2/18/2014 6:33:08 AM
@Analysis Official Modern Age has almost never allowed non-Marvel or non-DC sets. So for official tournaments, you'll need permission to play these figures.
At home, however, you can play whatever you want. At home it's all about having fun.
Posted by: The Le
on 2/17/2014 12:48:50 PM
I'm not going to get these (I stick to Marvel/DC), but why can't you mix them with Marvel/DC? I don't see any reason they couldn't be played together generally so I'm thinking all you need is for your play group to accept it.
Posted by: Analysis
on 2/17/2014 12:19:33 PM
I like the sculpts, but the fact that you in general cannot mix these with the Marvel and DC stuff makes it unlikely I'll buy more than a handful.
Posted by: superfriend
on 2/17/2014 7:10:54 AM
This set is better than most DC figures.
Posted by: HeroclixHater
on 2/14/2014 7:29:49 PM
yeah, I was noticing a trend that all the cards I remembered being used on the show were all SRs.
Posted by: superfriend
on 2/6/2014 12:48:23 PM
I'm not liking Injection Fairy Lily. There's just too much off with her.
Posted by: Analysis
on 2/5/2014 3:58:50 PM
I really hate this Yu-Gi-Oh! Clix, but I have to say that it is too cruel the fact that all the famous and known characters are Super Rare! This is just not fair for the fans willing to purchase them!
Posted by: JasonCR
on 2/5/2014 11:31:31 AM
I was thinking the same thing with the flames. He should have had some short range for a few clicks.
Posted by: Analysis
on 1/29/2014 3:51:44 PM
Berserk Gorilla.
Not bad for 70 points. If you cross universes, Grodd could command an army of these. What I don't understand is the flames. They seem to imply range and Energy Explosion, neither of which this piece has. I do like that this beast is a common.
Posted by: superfriend
on 1/29/2014 1:51:22 PM
Ouch time wizard looks nasty. Not utterly broken as there is still a high cnance of self-nerf. Until you add him to an Outsiders team of course!
Posted by: Mantis Warrior
on 1/23/2014 12:32:43 PM
I'm not keen on this set, personally, but a LOT of the figures previewed thus far really seem broken with game mechanics that will certainly need erratta'ed later. Spiral, anyone?
Posted by: MEsch
on 1/23/2014 8:21:56 AM
Good catch on the Time Wizard not being 50% either way. I have to wonder if the designers forgot you cannot get a 1 when rolling 2 dice and thought it was 50%.
I have to admit, though, I like the variety and uniqueness of some of these Yugio Clix.
Posted by: superfriend
on 1/23/2014 7:13:48 AM
I do not know how the licenses for those properties work or are tied to each other, but I do agree that Naruto, Bleach and DBZ would all work as HeroClix and all have a decent depth of characters to make a decent sized set or two.
Posted by: superfriend
on 1/17/2014 9:10:46 AM
i liked yugioh it was an alright show i never played the card game. i really liked red eyes black dragon and red eyes black metal dragon those were boss \. im excited to see what red eyes BD can do and hopfully they make my red eyes black metal dragon but what really excites me is shonenjump has allowed wizkids to use there characters! which means there could be a good chance to see a shonen jump set in the near future hoping for naruto/bleach/and my favoreite DBZ!!!!!!!
Posted by: decoder
on 1/16/2014 1:19:17 PM
I like the Firewing Pegasus. HSS and smokecloud which follows it. Smokecloud got an offensive boost recently when it gives a -1 to attack for characters put in it.
Posted by: superfriend
on 1/15/2014 11:44:29 AM
The starter set for these IS out. Saw it in a shop yesterday.
Posted by: superfriend
on 1/14/2014 1:09:50 PM
Glad to see a preview of one of the 3 monsters that are used to create Gate Guardian.
I really like the look of some of these monsters and their special powers. I am going to see if there is some way my local venue can work the other licenses into standard games, so we can use some of these on a regular basis. Maybe a house rule that any set released in the past 2 years can be used in modern play regardless of license universe.
Posted by: superfriend
on 1/9/2014 8:16:16 AM
I have no intention of playing these, but I agree that this figure can be worth the 300 points. The way those powers work together, etc. it could take on a squad.
Posted by: Analysis
on 12/27/2013 1:47:43 PM
Is it worth it at a whopping 300 points? Yes. Yes it is. Or at least i think so anyway.
Posted by: jake
on 12/27/2013 8:30:59 AM
Interesting to see how WK is implementing some of these Yugio mechanics. Like Fusion. Kind of gives some insight as to how they might do the overlay network. We have not seen tributing lower level monsters to play higher level ones yet.
Posted by: superfriend
on 12/27/2013 7:59:53 AM
@The Le
No doubt man, she's very expensive for what she can do. I'd definitely be playing CW Donald Blake or BM Alfred over her any day of the week.
Posted by: Biscuitmilk
on 12/24/2013 11:07:29 AM
@Biscuitmilk: I can see it interpreted that way too (it can be a tad ambiguous). If that's the case, then she definitely can be useful at 300, but I'd still argue that you're better off with medics for 75 points since you have then entire Golden Age catalog to choose from.
Posted by: The Le
on 12/24/2013 10:44:59 AM
@The Le
What you posted about the regen thing is incorrect. If you choose 6, that becomes the minimum result, so even if you roll a 1 and you chose 6 as your minimum, you would heal 6.
Posted by: Biscuitmilk
on 12/24/2013 8:12:20 AM
Another note for The Forgiving Maiden: Even if you choose "6" for the result -- that's only the DIE ROLL RESULT. You still need to subtract 2 from the roll to determine total clicks to heal. So at absolute most you can only regenerate 4 clicks in one use.
Posted by: The Le
on 12/20/2013 11:39:06 AM
@superfriend: With the exception of Street Fighter, I don't know of any non-Marvel/DC that has been allowed in Modern Age -- and Street Fighter was taken out of Modern Age on July 1st. You can even look at the list now at the HeroClix site and you'll notice that it's all Marvel/DC.
There is NO indication that Yu-Gi-Oh will become Modern age. Star Trek Tactics, Hobbit/LOTR HeroClix, DOTA HeroClix, even Lone Ranger HeroClix -- none of those are in Modern Age at all.
There's always a chance that Yu-Gi-Oh HeroClix will be allowed in Modern Age, but it's highly unlikely if history is any indication.
Posted by: The Le
on 12/20/2013 8:41:06 AM
@The Le
Did they say the Yugioh set isn't going to be modern age? The way they talked about Morphing Jar indicates that it might be.
Posted by: Biscuitmilk
on 12/20/2013 7:53:17 AM
@The GoG: Here's a couple things to keep in mind about The Forgiving Maiden...
1) Using Regen still requires you to take an action. So if your tentpole already has an action token, using Regen will likely cause push and leave him/her as a sitting duck for 2 turns. And if your tenpole hasn't taken an action, then is it worth it to use up the turn to Regen?
2) Yu-Gi-Oh HeroClix is not modern age legal. So if you play her, you're automatically in Golden Age.
3) If you're in the Golden Age, then there's dozens of other figures you are better off using for 75 points to compliment your Tent Pole, including something simpler like carrying around a 12 point Paramedic.
4) Standard games are 300 points; combined with the Golden Age requirement, I stand by my assessment.
At higher points (400+), I will concede that the Forgiving Maiden is a viable option.
Posted by: The Le
on 12/20/2013 7:45:08 AM
I am by no means a fan of this set, or excited about this set. But I I think the Le's hatred for it is getting in the way of common sense and objectivity. She is actually a GREAT piece for her points. Regen for adjacent friendly characters? Yes please. Support with 16 and defend? Yes please. Possibily healing my tent pole 10 clicks or life? Uhhhhh YES PLEASE. Think about all the possibilities before you blast something with your negativity ray
Posted by: The GoG
on 12/20/2013 7:31:24 AM
I love it when The Le throws down the gauntlet! At first glance I was inclined to agree but, on reflection, pushed to click 2 her low defence with defend will help her to heal a figure, push to do it again then exploit the trait for another 6 healing.
Alternatively if you think you can survive it keep using the support until she reaches the barrier clicks then once double-tokened from barrier self sacrifice to heal a tentpole.
Or pair her with the new Bizarro and keep nominating 'one' as the minimum to heal. Nasty!
Posted by: Mantis Warrior
on 12/19/2013 9:07:11 AM
Hmmm It says after actions. I would think its the end of turn not after a use. That would make 75pts workable.
Posted by: scourge101
on 12/18/2013 2:32:10 PM
Scratch that, you damage her after actions resolve so only 1 would get the regen off before she dies. Still, two regens of guaranteed 4 and 6 damage healed is pretty sweet.
Posted by: Adamantium
on 12/18/2013 12:21:46 PM
I think this figure is far from useless, though overcosted for sure. It's not just 6 clicks you can give out to one figure, it's at least 10. Choose 4 as the min result first, putting her on her last click, then next turn choose 6. Alternatively it sounds like you could choose 6 as the min result for ALL your friendly figures that are adjacent to her, and have them all heal the same turn.
Posted by: Adamantium
on 12/18/2013 12:20:27 PM
I don't know, my meta was 400pts, and 75 points to give a Blue Eyes white dragon an extra 6 clix is pretty evil.
Posted by: Damon Sherman
on 12/18/2013 11:50:43 AM
He's good for a 400+ point game, but considering he has wings on the sculpt (& on the card), I would have given him Flying.
Posted by: unaligned1
on 12/12/2013 8:57:07 AM
Summoned Skull - is he worth it? - 9 clicks is a lot these days for a figure. Indominable helps justify the cost, as does the opening 12 attack and 18 defense with Impervious. Ranges in general are getting shorter, so an 8 range with 2 targets is very good these days. The power combos of RS + PB and Charge, Super Strength + CCE work well together. In general, I avoid putting so many points into a single figure in 300 point games, but in sealed he could do quite well.
Posted by: superfriend
on 12/12/2013 8:24:47 AM
@the LE: in regards to the linked articles, one option would be to reprint the first paragraph or give a general overview on your page with a link to the actual full article.
Posted by: superfriend
on 11/25/2013 10:12:47 AM
I realize this is kind of a odd comment after my prior one, but I realized I'd actually buy a TMNT set in a heartbeat. Especially if it was based off the current IDW comic. In the wake of all of the new brands they are releasing/released it seems odd they didn't try to nail that trademark.
Posted by: Spazcat
on 9/28/2013 8:12:56 AM
Wow that was an unnecessary swipe at the Player's Guide. Most of those pages are just a copy of the Special Powers. Special powers saved this game. Without them we'd be on our 30th Hulk with Charge, Super Strength, etc.
Posted by: Improved Movement
on 9/26/2013 2:06:06 PM
@Overload Hmmm... that is a very interesting point. Not sure the best way to address it. I *have* experimented with a few different new comments systems (like Disqus), but none of it was to my liking. And something the WK Watchlist would end up being a direct reprint of the original article, which I am somewhat opposed to. I'll try to think of some solutions...
Posted by: The Le
on 9/19/2013 1:42:26 PM
@The Le: Somewhat off topic, but I really like having the pages on your site that allow us to discuss these topics. (Like this page.) I've noticed that a number of topics just push us to the WizKids website (like the article on the watch list) which prevent us from discussing it. I know the people on here must have some thoughts on things like that so it would be great if it directed us to a page on your site where we could discuss.
Posted by: Overload
on 9/19/2013 12:25:19 PM
I'm just glad I don't collect these non-superhero based sets. Like Cyke and Spazcat said, there is just too much product being released. There's no way I could justify purchasing all of it.
Posted by: Overload
on 9/19/2013 12:21:12 PM
This is not the first set I would have bought IF they were legal in Modern tournaments.
Posted by: superfriend
on 9/19/2013 7:52:51 AM
I kind of agree with Cyke. I was all for Wizkids/NECA branching out, but it got out of hand for me. Not even just on properties, but on sheer releases. There was just way to much coming out and low amounts of product. The store I would typically buy from currently has a few of the blind bags, but otherwise is sold out of everything except the last Batman set. It really is just to much to keep up with now.
My money is on MLP clix. Someone at Wizkids/NECA has to have brought up the instant moneymaker that would be.
Posted by: Spazcat
on 9/19/2013 3:34:31 AM
Does anyone feel like wizkids/NECA is just after your money? There are so many sets now. They will make a clix of anything. Next we will have care bear clixs. It's getting pretty ridiculous.
Posted by: Cyke
on 9/18/2013 12:59:53 PM
This looks oddly like something out of the old HorrorClix line.
Posted by: David TG Riches
on 9/18/2013 9:33:40 AM
Hmmm, interesting.
Posted by: The Amazing Jakester
on 9/18/2013 9:26:39 AM
id rather see pokemon clix
Posted by: spaceghost
on 6/9/2013 4:45:00 PM
The monsters will probably have abilities based on the spell and trap cards made to support them, as well as their own effects where applicable. Remember that in the series, especially early on, card effects were very flexible and open to interpretation.
Also, you can get a lot out of just looking at the monsters and their flavor text and interpreting from there. For example, what is a Blue-Eyes White Dragon? It's a flying dragon with an armored hide that fires beam-shaped blasts of magical electricity out of its face. That tells you a lot. Looking at the plot of the series, we also see that it's a creature that lives to destroy, it can fuse with its siblings, and it's tied to the character of Seto Kaiba through his past life. You can look at any monster the same way.
Posted by: Fremont Bojangles
on 4/13/2013 9:02:06 AM
I really dont know about this for one thing they need to do certian Dual Monsters as colossals no way can dipict Exzodia the Forbidden One in a 1 1/2 in figure so they'ed better get it right.
Posted by: The Wanderer
on 3/29/2013 3:34:02 PM
@ superfriend
it's quite possible the monsters will have the stategies of the Duelist it's named after. Ex: Yugi's Dark Magician would have some power around the move where Yugi uses "Magical Hats"
Posted by: The Yellow Fear
on 3/28/2013 10:53:22 AM
this has got my name written all f**k*ing over it!
Posted by: Zeirnaton
on 3/9/2013 4:46:47 AM
Unsure. Wonder how this will be implemented. The monsters would make cool sculpts. But on the show they all act the same. Monster X blasts Monster Y. There is no concept of range or movement. Much of the tactics are based around magic and trap cards which increase or decrease attack or defense values. Trap cards are activated on your opponents turn when they attack you. Not really seeing how the basic game will translate into clix form.
Posted by: superfriend
on 3/8/2013 10:58:55 AM
Posted by: Sergiòn
on 3/7/2013 1:39:23 PM
Yawn. No interest.
Posted by: MEsch
on 3/7/2013 9:18:15 AM
"Justin Ziran, president of WizKids said “We’re honored to be involved with Yu-Gi-Oh!, such a tremendously successful property with such a long history of success. "
Haha, redundant! I think he wants more success :-)
Posted by: Kragnorak
on 3/6/2013 2:45:14 PM