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• Goto Comments
Playing Magneto: Magneto is a beast at ranged combat. The combination of a 10 range value and Magnetic Mastery make for some serious damage. His trait also helps protect him from ranged attacks, while forcing the opposition to get in range of his double telekinesis attack. The trait also gives him the ability to boost his combat values by +1 when he is occupying a debris marker. Speaking of Debris, I have a feeling that BFC is going to see a lot of play with Magneto in the golden age format.
Debris (Battlefield Condition): Each player contributes three additional objects to the object pile before objects are placed on the battlefield. Players must place all objects in the object pool on the battlefield.
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Combating Magneto: One word comes to mind, Stealth! Use Stealth to avoid getting hit by multiple objects and ranged attacks. Another way is to beat the master at his own game. By this I mean use Telekinesis yourself to get a character in close and hit him hard for some serious damage. Up close Magneto is easier to deal with, but remember he may have brought some friends with him. So be careful about sending a character in all by themselves.
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