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#3 Avengers (Iron Spider-man)
During the Comic event Civil War, Spidey got himself a spiffy new suit courtesy of his Avengers teammate Iron Man. The first Spider-man in Heroclix to feature a special power and man is it awesome! His webbing special power allows him to give his targets not one, but two incapacitate tokens with a single hit. At the time he débuted, there were no indomitable characters so this power was a real threat to most targets.
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Feats were still in play so Stunning Blow became a staple for use with this version of Spidey. Camouflage is another great choice (this allows Spidey to move in close all stealthy thanks to his new suit). The Lunge feat gave him the ability to gain some move and attack capability. His opening clix has a lot going for it. Invulnerability combined with Outwit makes pushing to gain the Webbing power a tough choice. He also has great combat values and powers though his dial. The Iron Spider character featured some great keywords; Avengers, Armor, Reporter and Scientist. This made him a great pick for those teams.
Overall, the Iron spider is a great pick and a lot of fun to play. The only thing that keeps him from being higher on this list is his cost of 111 points. Don’t get me wrong, he is well worth that cost but there are some cheaper options that are every bit as good to for less points.
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