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Related: Gears of War HeroClix
06-26-2013: Zachary Hale Comstock is the lateste Bioshock figure, sporting 3 clicks of Stealth and Outwit, and 4 great clicks of Mastermind! And what's this? A Team Ability and Special power too!

06-12-2013: The Commandant is a great figure for just 50 points! Running Shot, Energy Explosion, Enhancement, and Willpower are just some of the standard powers she gets. Ooo! and a Team Ability! (see Founder soldier below)

The Founder Soldier is a tad cheaper than the Commandant, but is a perfect compliment with a starting click of Running Shot, some Stealth, Flurry, and more!

From wiki:
BioShock Infinite is a first-person shooter video game developed by Irrational Games, and published by 2K Games. Previously known as "Project Icarus" in development, it was released worldwide on the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 platforms on March 26, 2013. BioShock Infinite is the third installment in the BioShock series, and though it is not part of the storyline of previous BioShock games, it does feature similar gameplay concepts and themes. The game's concept and setting were developed by Irrational's creative lead, Ken Levine, who took inspiration from both historical events at the turn of the 20th century, as well as more recent ones at the time such as the "Occupy" protests.
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