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• Goto Comments
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11-14-2012 Selena Kyne and Catwoman!!! Blades/Claws/Fangs and Outwit?!? YUM!

10-09-2012: Found this image of ROBIN on the alliance open house slide.

10-08-2012: It's the Blackbat, 3 wonderful clicks of Charge and some Outwit and Super Senses to boot!
Related: Improved Targetting Rules

09-21-2012: It's WARBLADE from the WILDCATS! Blades/Claws/Fangs + Charge is a great combo... and the mid-dial Flurry + Blades/Claws/Fangs is great too!

09-10-2012: Check out BIG BARDA! Not only does she have Charge and Super Strength, she also has an excellent Special Power that grants her Quake and Penetrating/Psychic Blast!

09-10-2012: So whose dial is this? It's a mystery, but we sure do like a first click Charge and Willpower! (note, this image came from Wizkids. We didn't leave the cards out, nor did we pixilate the image).

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