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10-12-2012: Batman HeroClix previews continues with MAUL! Flurry, Perplex, and Invulnerability? YES PLEASE!

09-24-2012: It's Bruce Wayne and Hush! first up is Bruce Wayne, who has a decent click of Running Shot with a respectable 3 damage. We're particularly pleased with the Penetrating/Psychic Blast in the middle though!

And let's not forget HUSH, who has nearly a full dial of Stealth and a back dial full of Outwit! Woot!

09-12-2012: KGBeast! For 82 points, this bad boy gets a whopping 12 attack thanks to that keen Special Power. Even without it he gets a nice smattering of standard powers, including Willpower, Charge, and more!

09-03-2012: Hugo Strange is in the house, and he's going to give Batman a run for his money! Not only can he shut off Batman's Outwit (or Perplex), Doctor Strange also sports Mind Control and Flurry! He also seems like an excellent candidate for Brilliant Tactician!

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