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• Goto Comments
Related: Villains for Hire Dials!
Related: TRIGON Colossal dial
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Related: Justice League Team Base
04-24-2013: That's a whole lotta purple he's sporting. We're talking Force Blast, Smoke Cloud, Willpower, and Close Combat Expert. Not sure how I feel about this one...

03-29-2013: It's The Flash! And he has lots of unnecessary Improved Movement / Targeting rules! Oooo! Hypersonic Speed. I mean, seriously though, How hard is it to simply say "Ignores Terrain and Characters on Movement" rather than putting 3 obscure icons a card? How abuot a simple "ingores hindering terrain on movement" rather than a stick figure and an green square? FAIL, Wizkids, FAIL.

03-04-2013: The Teen Titans TERRA dial makes her a good taxi. With Flight and Telekinesis, she can get your other units around very quickly and easily. She's a good support character because of this and her Enhancement ability on the first two clicks... and she's under 100 points too!

10-08-2012. Here's some more images from the TEEN TITANS HeroClix set, found on the Alliance Open House slide. And here you can see exactly how Switch Clix works -- Flash (and the other Teen Titans) can be taken off the master HeroClix base and placed on his own dial!
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