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With Brave and the Bold around the corner, we decided to ask our viewers which DC DUOs they'd like to see in future. Some responses were expected, while others came as quite a surprise. Personally I would like to see a G'nort & Scarlet Skier duo, but no one reading this will have any idea what the heck I'm talking about.
The following is a list of desired DUOs from our readers, in no particular order. Some have been confirmed in the new Brave & the Bold set, while some are simply wishes.
(Ironically, no one put "Superman & Flash" on their list)

Jonathan T: I'm not a writer, and not exactly sure what I would be able to fill a paragraph with besides. I'm a big Batman fan and would love to have this group as a duo (which I will in next set as it's confirmed).
Down the line I would also like to have them as individuals since I believe the duo mechanic needs a serious overhaul. Here's a few more I'd like to see:
-Green Lantern (hal)/Green Arrow (ollie) - The Hard Traveling Heroes
-Tweedle Dee/Tweedle Dum (just cause it would be funny).

Kevin B: Why should the heroes get to have all the fun? One of the best reads in comics today is Secret Six which focuses on six of the DCU's villains, and the standout characters of the book are the duo of Catman and Deadshot
If you turn this deadly combo into a clix you get a very effective piece without making it too overwhelming. They would have blades/claws/fangs and combat reflexes to simulate Catman's close combat expertise combined with running shot and psychic blast to duplicate Deadshot's uncanny precision with his guns.
The result? A double threat of close and ranged combat ability which would make a very effective piece.
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