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Related: Quintessential Batman
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The HeroClix World MONSTER MONTH is off to a bloody good start! We're taking a break from our usual fair to bring you the Quintessential Jason Voorhees! But that's not all! As part of our Monster Month spectacular, we're doing a double feature -- you also get the Quintessential Jason X dial!
First thing to note that the Quintessential Jason Voorhees is based on the Friday the 13th comic book, not movie... but you won't be disappointed. With 8 clicks of life, a strong attack value for most of the dial, the Quintessential Jason Voorhees is going to slice through anything he can get close to, with a potential of 5 damage if with that Super Strength (and Indomitable with Invincible and Toughness to keep him in the fight for a long time).
Dial by Eric Schaen (continued below...)

The Quintessential Jason Voorhees has some nice close combat powers -- Charge, Blades/Claws/Fangs (of course), and late dial Exploit Weakness. But his trait and special powers is what makes him truly dangerous. He can literally "pop up" 4 squares away to surprise his opponents, and as a Killing Machine, rolling a B/C/F of 6 means instant death for any mere mortal.
Evil, thy name is Jason Vorhees!
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